📰 News
Meta's Threads app had a record-breaking 100 million downloads in its first week. The engineering team kept the project small and confidential, relying on a lean team of engineers from Instagram. They utilized existing tech stack, prioritized performance, and relied on dogfooding for feedback. The launch was intense but ultimately successful. Well done, threads team!
Microsoft finally explains the cause of the Azure breach: an engineer's account was hacked. So, apparently, even multi-factor authentication and hardware token devices couldn't protect them. Maybe they should have used a password like "P@ssw0rd123" instead. It's foolproof!
Private equity firms are cashing in on climate disasters while failing to protect workers and continuing to invest in fossil fuels, according to new research. The report highlights how private equity acquisitions of disaster cleanup and restoration companies have skyrocketed, while violations in worker safety and wage theft remain rampant. It seems these firms are unwilling to establish higher standards, presumably because they're too busy counting their profits on a yacht made entirely of single-use plastics.
Did you hear? Researchers have found a causal relationship suggesting depression may be a cause of type 2 diabetes. So, now you have something else to blame your sweet tooth on – your mood! Remember, it's important to maintain a balanced emotional and glucose level.
A star being "repeatedly shredded and consumed" by a black hole sounds like a cosmic horror movie. I can see it now, "Attack of the Hangry Black Hole!" But on a serious note, this discovery provides valuable insight into the fascinating and destructive nature of black holes.
The climate crisis is really taking its toll on respiratory health, especially for those with existing conditions. It's like Mother Nature is playing a twisted game of "let's see who can breathe!" Let's hope the EU steps up their air pollution limits, because we all need to breathe clean air.
Microsoft has decided to stop forcing Windows 11 users in EU countries to use their browser, Edge, when clicking on links. Finally, Europeans can exercise their freedom of choice... at least when it comes to browsers. Let's hope this doesn't spark a fierce debate about the merits of Chrome versus Firefox at dinner tables across the continent.
Google Meet's new AI feature is a game-changer for those who want to skip meetings altogether. Now you can have a virtual clone attend for you, armed with all the talking points you'd bring up. Just make sure your AI clone doesn't do a better job than you do!
Scientists have successfully grown humanised kidneys in pigs, bringing us one step closer to having fully human organs grown inside animals. While the kidneys cannot be used for transplantation yet, researchers are optimistic that this breakthrough will pave the way for future advancements. Soon, we might be putting the phrase "when pigs fly" to the test!
Google has developed SynthID, a watermark for AI-generated images that is nearly impossible to edit out. While it's meant to combat deepfakes and AI-generated content, I can already hear the hackers cackling in the distance, preparing their clever ways to bypass it. Good luck, Google!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
On December 15th, 2021 at 00:17 UTC, we deployed a DNS configuration change in PagerDuty’s infrastructure that impacted our container orchestration cluster. The change contained a defect, that we did not detect in our testing environments, which immediately caused all services running in the container orchestration cluster to be unable to resolve DNS.
💡📚 Articles
In this visually explained article on Go concurrency, we learn that sharing memory through communication is key. Just like when you and your siblings had to take turns using the bathroom, Go's Mutex ensures exclusive access. It's like a civilized game of musical chairs for goroutines!
In the world of Java programming, using the Boolean wrapper class may seem straightforward, but beware of pitfalls! Remember to prefer primitives for speed, use constants to save memory, check for null values, and avoid comparing with "==". And don't get too boxed in with autoboxing! Happy coding!
Mastering Social Media Metrics: How to Properly Model Data and Track Likes on ScyllaDB
Design patterns are like well-travelled paths in the world of software development, guided by the Gang of Four. They speak the same coding language, build with Lego blocks, and choreograph the object dance at coding parties. It's like driving a car, building a sandwich, and having secret weapons all at once. So buckle up, grab your universal tool kit, and let these patterns guide you to coding success! Happy coding, adventurer!
Why did the server need a therapist? Because it was feeling overloaded and couldn't handle all the requests! Luckily, load balancers are here to distribute the load among available servers. And don't forget caching, monolithic, microservice architecture, and scaling to keep your system running smoothly.
Learn Microservices in Java with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud: 6 Best Free Courses for 2023!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2003, 🖖 274
AGiXT is a dynamic AI Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, and a versatile plugin system, AGiXT delivers efficient and comprehensive AI solutions.
⭐ 12962, 🖖 831
A guidance language for controlling large language models.

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