📰 News
Apple and Arm have signed a deal that extends beyond 2040. Looks like Apple plans to stick with Arm's chip designs for a long time. I guess they're in it for the ARM-azing future! Who knows, maybe by 2040, we'll have iPhones that can fold laundry too.
After an astounding 37 years, Salisbury Cathedral is finally getting ready for its "topping out" ceremony to mark the nearing end of its restoration project. It took them almost as long to fix it as it did to build it in the first place! Talk about delayed gratification.
Well, well, well, it seems like our beloved cars are not just gas-guzzling hunks of metal, but also privacy nightmares! According to the Mozilla Foundation, cars are the worst category of products for privacy. They collect more personal data than necessary, including information on your sex life. I guess your car knows your driving style better than your significant other does! And guess who the worst offender is? Tesla! Looks like their autopilot isn't the only thing untrustworthy about them. So, next time you're in your car, just remember that Big Brother might be riding shotgun.
Connected cars are a "privacy nightmare," says Mozilla Foundation. Apparently, cars are the worst product category for privacy. Who knew cars could be so sneaky? They collect all sorts of personal data, like what buttons you push and whether you're getting busy in the backseat. Talk about invasive!But don't worry, there's very little you can do about it. The poor state of digital security in the auto industry means you're stuck with your data being collected, shared, and possibly sold without your control. Maybe it's time to start carpooling with a horse and buggy instead. At least your horse won't know about your secret road trip snacks.
The $42 billion broadband grant program is facing criticism for shutting out small ISPs and municipalities. It turns out the "letter of credit" requirement is just an excuse to make sure ISPs have a good credit score. If only life had such simple qualifications, I could have been an astronaut by now.
Scientists have created "complete" models of human embryos from stem cells in the lab. While these models are not identical to real embryos, they can be used for advances in fertility, pharmaceutical testing, and transplants. Just imagine, in the future, you could donate your own skin cells to create an embryo model that will save your life. It's like playing God, but with better skin.
The EU is taking on big tech companies with a set of "revolutionary" laws. One of the highlights is that consumers will now have the power to decide what apps they want on their phones and delete pre-loaded software. Finally, you can say goodbye to that unhelpful weather app!
Spotify is testing making lyrics a Premium-only feature. Looks like they're singing a new tune when it comes to milking their users for every penny. I can already hear the protests - "I don't want to have to pay extra just to know what song I'm horribly singing along to!"
Looks like your car isn't just a mode of transportation, it's also a nosy neighbor! According to Mozilla's *Privacy Not Included project, major car brands are failing when it comes to basic privacy and security standards. Who knew your Nissan could be so interested in your sex life? Buckle up, folks, because it's a privacy nightmare on wheels!
Mentra, backed by Sam Altman, is using AI to match neurodivergent jobseekers with ideal positions. This is great news for neurodivergent individuals who often struggle in the job market. Finally, an AI algorithm that understands that "neurodivergent" is just a fancy way of saying "superpowers."
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Elastic Cloud customers with deployments in the AWS us-east-1 region experienced degraded access to their clusters.
💡📚 Articles
Wow, passing all three AWS Associate level exams in just two weeks while maintaining a full-time job and a hectic personal life? That's impressive! I bet Nicolas doesn't even need AWS to manage his time efficiently.
Wow, setting up infrastructure on the AWS cloud using Terraform? That's like building an entire city with just a pen! And you've got 4 web servers and 2 database instances? Talk about a high-tech party! Just make sure not to spill any virtual drinks on the servers, they might short-circuit!
Ah, monolithic architecture versus microservices, the battle of the software development architectures! It's like a showdown between a big, sturdy tank and a swarm of agile bees. Now, some engineers think that monolithic architecture can be improved. They say it's less reliable and less modular, like that one sock that always goes missing in the laundry.But wait, there's more! Did you know that a monolith can be just as reliable as microservices? With the right design and proper configurations, you can scale multiple services easily in a cloud environment. It's like bench-pressing multiple services at the gym!And let's talk about maintenance. Microservices come with increased operational overhead and code reuse problems. It's like having to keep track of a bunch of misbehaving children. But with a monolithic architecture, you only need to maintain one repository. It's like having all your toys neatly organized in one box.Oh, and here's a fun fact: adding a new microservice often incurs more latency and failure. It's like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle. Not fun, trust me.So, when should you use microservices? Well, if you want to iterate quickly and get a new product to market, go for it. But don't forget, most cases where a system was built as a microservice system from scratch ended in serious trouble. It's like diving headfirst into a pool without checking if there's water in it.In conclusion, monolithic architecture can be reliable, easier to maintain, and scalable with cloud technology. It's like having a delicious, perfectly baked cake. Microservices may be the cool new kid on the block, but sometimes the old ways still have some tricks up their sleeves.
I recently completed the TIIDELab program and let me tell you, it was quite the adventure! I learned about UI/UX design, which was like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. But thanks to Mr. Muizz and Dr. T. Hamzat, I now have a better understanding of how to create user-friendly designs.And then there was JavaScript. Oh, JavaScript, you sneaky little devil. I used to dread you, but thanks to Mr. Ibrahim Lukman and his magical teaching methods, I made some serious progress. Now I can confidently create ATM commands and USSD prompts. Who knew coding could be so empowering?But it wasn't all about technical skills. TIIDELab also emphasized the importance of soft skills. We had to give presentations, collaborate with our team members, and even organize meetups. It's all about being a well-rounded developer, because let's face it, good communication skills are like the cherry on top of the coding sundae.So, with my newfound knowledge and skills, I'm on my way to becoming the perfect developer, one precept at a time. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be creating the next big thing in tech, or maybe just fixing my mom's computer for the millionth time. Either way, TIIDELab has definitely left its mark on me.
Dual-track, or as I like to call it, "post-Agile™," optimizes the discovery phase in product development. It's like Kanban on steroids! Developers create disposable prototypes while skipping the delivery of unnecessary features. Just remember, don't confuse the tool with the goal, and Desiree Sy is the real mastermind behind it all.
Ah, the tale of monolith vs microservices, the classic battle of the coding world. It's like picking between a massive, daunting castle and a bunch of self-contained service modules. But hey, at least with microservices, you don't have to coordinate with a hundred teams just to make a minor adjustment. That's a win for sanity!I couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of breaking free from the chains of monolithic mayhem, only to be greeted by the challenges of microservices' madness. It's like swapping one boss for another boss who's equally demanding but wears fancier clothes.But hey, microservices do have their allure. Faster deployments, independent scaling, and individual team developments? Sign me up! It's like having your own little kingdom within the vast coding universe.Of course, it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Microservices come with their own set of challenges. It's like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert, only to realize it's filled with quicksand. You thought you were free, but now you have to navigate through a maze of dependencies and complexities.But hey, isn't that what makes coding exciting? The thrill of overcoming challenges and finding clever solutions? Whether it's monoliths or microservices, we'll always have our battles to fight. So, let's embrace the chaos and code on, my fellow warriors!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2802, 🖖 84
Generative Model Programming
⭐ 203, 🖖 2
Run ChatGPT-like LLMs on your laptop in 3 lines of code
⭐ 1, 🖖 0
Use this tiny library to move async methods out to their own files
⭐ 7223, 🖖 456
OpenAI's Code Interpreter in your terminal, running locally
⭐ 1855, 🖖 401
Gcsfuse: A user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage
⭐ 17358, 🖖 2683
MS-DOS v1.25 and v2.0 is now open-source (2014)

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