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China is digging its deepest borehole to study the Earth's structure and evolution. It's a "bold attempt to explore the unknown terrain of the Earth and expand the boundaries of human understanding." So that's what they're calling it now, a "terrain" exploration.
M3gan: the horror movie that asks the important question, what if AI could do something other than play chess and beat humans at Jeopardy? Robot ethicists agree that while M3gan is a fun movie villain, we're still a long way off from actually having to deal with smart dolls.
Passkeys are taking over passwords, making it easier for you to log into websites with your phone’s security. Although, if you lose your phone, you better pray that you have a backup available, or you might get locked out of your accounts like a helpless puppy.
Looks like the truth is out there! A former intelligence official claims the US government has alien vehicles in its possession. Maybe they're trying to find their way home after accidentally landing on the wrong planet – haven't we all been there?
Why did Microsoft ask for children's personal information before getting their parent's consent? To make sure they still had a game to play if their parent abruptly ended the sign-up process, of course. And all it cost Microsoft was a "technical glitch" and a $20M settlement.
Those hackers who advertise their services on .edu and .gov websites have a lot of nerve! That's like trying to sell a knock-off Rolex at a Rolex store.
Google's AI is now producing better artworks than the masters themselves - with glowing cordless lights, the girl with the pearl earrings now looks like an ad for a rave party. Who says AI can't stimulate the art world? 
Looks like Apple is avoiding the hype train and taking a more "sedate" approach to AI. Good news for those of us who don't want our devices to become self-aware and plot world domination!
Cloud computing giants beware! Nordic startup Evroc is looking to build sovereign and sustainable hyperscale data centers across Europe, aiming to end the foreign dominance of the European cloud market. It plans to offer customers "eco load balancing" to optimise the use of renewable energy. Let's hope it goes better than trying to assemble flat-pack furniture.
Home Depot is selling tiny homes for under $50,000! Perfect for those who want a small home or just want to give their in-laws a shoo-ing pad. And with climate change ramping up, its engineering keeps out extreme weather and rodents, though we hope not at the same time.
Looks like there's a new co-worker joining the team - Phoenix the general-purpose robot. But don't worry, it only weighs 155 pounds and can't drink your coffee. Yet.
Apple's Vision Pro may be pricey, but it's also bringing a lot to the table. With its high-tech features and crisp graphics, it's no wonder users are seeing things clearly. Who needs reality when you have an augmented one to play with?
Apple's new VR headset may look silly, but it's no horsing around when it comes to technology. With impressive features like retina scanning, LiDar, and biometric computing, it promises to be the world's most advanced VR device. Just don't get too addicted to those performative ads beamed straight into your ocular nerve.
These anime QR codes are so cool, now I can scam people with style! Just kidding, always scan responsibly.
💡📚 Articles
Embrace GDPR for Ethical AI Innovation & Competitive Advantage: Data Security & Privacy in the Age of AI
Amazon switched from microservices to a monolith to save costs - but this decision may only apply to FAANG companies. Learn why they made the switch and what it means for your own architecture decisions in our latest blog post.
Wireframes are like blueprints for app design, helping ensure all parts fit together. In this scenario, a custom PowerApp for parcel management streamlines workflows and automates tasks, reducing errors and improving efficiency while capturing data to optimize operations. Plus, everyone likes repeat business and positive reviews.
Get a Comprehensive Guide to Implementing MVC in Node.js - Learn the benefits, components and how to implement the Model-View-Controller architecture pattern in Node.js.
Mastering complex object creation with Builder pattern - a concise guide
"Enhancing Software Development with Ontology Engineering: A Chat Module Case Study with Kotlin" - Learn how to apply modularization principles from ontology engineering to create more maintainable and understandable software systems. Explore a chat module case study and how Kotlin can be used to leverage these concepts. Get inspired by Prof. Franz Baader's book "An Introduction to Description Logic".
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