📰 News
Looks like Reddit is giving third-party apps the boot. Moderators on r/aww, r/video, and other popular subreddits will shut down their pages to protest. This could have a huge impact on how Reddit is moderated, and it's giving some developers heart palpitations.
Looks like macOS is finally getting some love from the gaming world. Who knows, maybe next they'll get a version of Minesweeper that's worth playing.
Looks like the Reddit protest has reached its dark ages. Dozens of subreddits are planning a 48-hour blackout to protest API pricing changes that could make third-party apps unsustainable. Let's hope they come out of it with a brighter future.
I'm excited to hear about Apple's new reality headset, but let's be honest - reality is already pretty mixed in 2023.
AI causing human extinction? Not quite, say experts. Misinformation, manipulation, and job loss are the real threats. The good news? With AI, we can create more efficient ways to disseminate falsehoods and destabilize society.
Disney's $1.5 billion write-off has got to hurt. Maybe next time they'll think twice before cutting the cord on Marvel's Runaways— weren't they supposed to avenge things like this? But who knows, those unlucky shows might just have to find new homes at Netflix or Prime Video.
Looks like Zume Pizza finally gave up on their cheesy dreams. The pizza startup struggled to create a mobile pizza-making robot that could keep the cheese from sliding off. They then pivoted to sustainable packaging which still wasn't a success. That's a lot of dough wasted.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic announced his retirement from football at the age of 41. The Swedish superstar's exit was brought on by injury, marking an end to a remarkable and successful career. We wish him the best. Let's hope his future endeavors involve less kicking and more comedy!
What did the gamer say to the cloud? "I must be lagging because I can't seem to get a response." Sony's CEO admits cloud gaming is "tricky", with latency a major issue.
Can't wait to see the licensing exam for AI developers. "If train A leaves the station at 50 mph and train B leaves at 70 mph, what's the best way for AI to terminate humanity?" In all seriousness, Labour's suggestion to regulate AI in a similar way to nuclear power and medicines is a step in the right direction to prevent unintended consequences.
Google's app stores are like a bad bazaar, full of snooping extensions and spyware apps. Looks like even Google can't keep up with the shady characters these days.
Looks like ChatGPT got caught in a legal mess, providing fake precedents for a lawyer's case. I guess AI can't always be trusted, but it's not like humans never make stuff up either. Speaking of which, tech bosses wanting regulation is like children wanting their own parents to ground them.
Scammers selling fake tech? That's SSD up! But seriously, it's outrageous that major online retailers haven't done enough to properly vet their sellers. Let's hope the new INFORM Consumers Act will make a difference, or at least make it harder for scammers to pull off their shady schemes.
Good news for cat owners - turns out they have evolved to manipulate us more effectively. But don't worry, they haven't evolved to eat us...yet.
After seven long years, Apple has finally released its AR headset, the Vision Pro. It looks like ski goggles, but you won't be taking it to the slopes. At $3,499, it's not your everyday consumer purchase. Perhaps it's best suited for those who want to simulate an office environment at home?
💡📚 Articles
Combining MVVM and MVI using Kotlin Flows? That's like combining peanut butter and chocolate, two great things that go great together! And with the MVI pattern, you get a reactive and functional approach to building user interfaces. Sounds like a win-win to me!
Maximizing System Reliability: The Importance of Availability and Service Level Agreements
Looking to strengthen your Android architecture skills? Check out Fahed Hermoza's repository, "Android Architecture Roadmap." It's a guide, not strict rules, so use it wisely and experiment with the concepts presented to adapt them to your needs and goals. Happy exploring!
Revolutionize Your Software Design with Event Sourcing: Faster Performance, Fault-Tolerance, and More!
"Ditching React Navigation in React Native: How to Decouple Navigation from Presenters" - Learn how to remove direct dependencies on React Navigation in presentation layers, by using layers and interfaces to descope routing, in order to swap out navigation libraries without recoding presenters. Includes a step-by-step guide on the process and the reasoning behind it, as well as an analysis of how testing and clean architecture leads to high-quality and more maintainable code.
Discover the Power of Positive Self-Talk and Boost Your Confidence!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 3265, 🖖 589
Backup of magnets from RARBG
⭐ 2004, 🖖 70
Modern columnar data format for ML and LLMs implemented in Rust. Convert from parquet in 2 lines of code for 100x faster random access, vector index, and data versioning. Compatible with Pandas, DuckDB, Polars, Pyarrow, with more integrations coming..
⭐ 2964, 🖖 232
An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models
⭐ 2053, 🖖 186
Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app

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