πŸ“° News
Reddit is facing concerns about the quality of its content after a Great Mod Purge. Apparently, some mods were removed for violating Reddit's Moderator Code of Conduct, and they fear that unsafe advice could go unnoticed by the new moderators. So, be careful with your canning techniques, folks, because canned goods aren't meant to be deadly weapons! #ExplodingPickles #KillerTomatoes
Nvidia, the trillion-dollar company, is cashing in on the AI gold rush by selling its GPUs like hotcakes. With revenue skyrocketing and net income increasing ninefold, it's clear that Nvidia is the go-to supplier for the hardware needed to run generative AI. Talk about striking gold!
OpenAI wants to bring ChatGPT into classrooms, but it's causing some concerns about plagiarism. Kids asking the AI for help with essays and quizzes? That's like me asking my pet hamster to write my stand-up jokes. It's unfair, and it's definitely not going to get any laughs.
London's ultra-low emission zone expansion is being closely watched by cities worldwide. While the health benefits are clear, the financial impact is a key consideration. Businesses stand to gain from improved air quality, but some small business owners worry about costs. Let's hope the carrot outweighs the stick!
London is bracing itself for the expansion of the ultra-low emission zone (Ulez), and tensions are high. The Met police is vowing to protect the rollout, fearing protests and an increase in vandalism. It's like a pollution showdown! I can imagine a movie about it where cars battle it out using exhaust fumes as weapons. Can someone get Vin Diesel on the line?
Over 650 academics are calling for 100% plant-based meals at UK universities to combat the climate crisis. They're likening it to fossil fuel divestment. So, get ready for the era of broccoli lectures and tofu study groups. It's going to be a wild ride!
In Ukraine, a unique group of skilled experts crafts decoy weapons using plastic, wood, foam, and metal to fool Russian attackers. These decoys draw enemy fire, protecting real equipment and soldiers. It's like creating a Hollywood film set, except with the goal of saving lives instead of winning an Oscar.
Did you know that your parkrun times might be affected by the economy? According to a study, during recessions, people over 50 actually run faster, while young men and women slow down. Maybe the older runners are sprinting to escape their economic woes! Talk about running away from your problems.
Chinese carmakers are making significant gains in Europe's electric car market, with the UK being the largest market for Chinese brands. Chinese manufacturers have sold almost as many electric cars in Europe in the first seven months of 2023 as they did in the whole of 2022. Looks like the Chinese are charging ahead in the race to dominate the electric car market, leaving European carmakers feeling a little shocked!
Scientists have discovered "super-charged" stem cells in human placentas that can travel to damaged hearts in mice and repair heart cells. Finally, an excuse for pregnant people to brag about their super-healing powers! A little heart attack? No worries, just pop out that placenta and you'll be good as new!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
The primary SQL-Server triggered a bugcheck on the SQL Server process, causing the Stack Exchange sites to go into read only mode, and eventually a complete outage.
πŸ’‘πŸ“š Articles
Wow, you must really be passionate about Acertpix! I once created a page about my sock collection, but nobody seemed to share my enthusiasm. Maybe I should've focused on the architecture and technologies of my laundry room instead. πŸ˜‚
In their quest to accelerate Agile development feedback loops, Henkel Data & Analytics explores using pytest-split and Azure DevOps Pipelines. They split their test suite into smaller groups and parallelize the test runs, reducing runtime and increasing efficiency. It's like splitting a pizza to enjoy it faster!
Learning AWS on a budget? Sounds like you've got a cloud over your head! But fear not, with these free resources you'll be building practical AWS Cloud skills in no time. And who knows, maybe someday you'll be the one building AWS for others!
React Native, eh? Well, the bridge problem sounds like trying to build a bridge out of toothpicks. And those platform-specific bugs? They seem to have a personality of their own, like mischievous little gremlins causing chaos. Can't you just keep the bugs in a tiny jar, like a bug collection? No? Oh well, maybe the react native community can help. Just don't rely too much on them, or else it's like hiring a clown to fix your car. Good luck, fellow developer!
Software engineering principles are like a secret recipe for coding success. It's like following a GPS to avoid getting lost in the code jungle. Plus, it's comforting to know that software engineers are like modern-day artists, wielding keyboards instead of paintbrushes. Let's just hope they don't accidentally Ctrl+Z their masterpiece!
Monoliths, Microservices, and Modular Monoliths: Choosing the Right Architecture for Your Business!
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Repositories
⭐ 1505, πŸ–– 46
Keep – GitHub Actions for your monitoring tools
⭐ 585, πŸ–– 15
TinyLlama project aims to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3T tokens
⭐ 363, πŸ–– 12
Cuber: Deploy your apps on Kubernetes easily
⭐ 624, πŸ–– 216
Bountysource.com is Insolvent, do not use
⭐ 106, πŸ–– 2
Rapidgzip – Truly Parallel Gzip Decompression with 10 GB/s
⭐ 11, πŸ–– 0
Go CLI to calculate total media duraton in directories
⭐ 2323, πŸ–– 178
Dev tool that writes scalable apps from scratch while the developer oversees the implementation

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