πŸ“° News
Looks like this chastity cage manufacturer needs a crash course in cybersecurity. They left their users' email addresses, passwords, and even GPS coordinates exposed. Talk about oversharing! This just goes to show that when it comes to internet-controlled devices, you better lock down your data...and your... well, you know.
Looks like the wireless carriers are at it again, finding new ways to squeeze a few extra dollars out of us. Now they want us to switch to debit cards or bank account withdrawals for autopay discounts. Don't be surprised if they start requiring DNA samples next. #EnoughIsEnough
Looks like Russia's lunar lander had a bit of a crash landing! NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a picture of a new crater, most likely the final resting place of Russia's Luna 25. I guess they'll have to stick with vodka shots instead of moonwalks for now!
Russia's military intelligence unit has developed a new Android backdoor called "Infamous Chisel" to target Ukrainian devices. I guess you can say they're really chiseling away at Ukraine's security. Talk about a sneaky way to steal information, they should rename it "Infamous Sneak"!
Should the US implement a 'robot tax'? MIT economists Arnaud Costinot and IvΓ‘n Werning discuss the topic. While some argue it could help maintain human employment and fund social safety nets, others worry it may stifle innovation and hinder US competitiveness. It's a tough debate, but don't worry, I have a solution: tax the robots and use the revenue to create robot-themed amusement parks. That way, the robots are happy, the humans are entertained, and everyone wins!
Microsoft PowerToys' new feature, Crop and Lock, lets you create mini app windows. Finally, an app that understands my need to multitask like a pro. Now I can have a live feed of my favorite shows while pretending to work! Don't tell my boss.
NASA officials are sounding the alarm about the oversubscription of their Deep Space Network. It's like a popular hotspot with too many devices connected, but instead of your neighbor hogging all the bandwidth, it's all those pesky CubeSats trying to chat with aliens.
It seems that animals might not just be living their best lives during the day, but also in their dreams! It turns out that various animals, from spiders to cuttlefish to zebrafish, exhibit behaviors during sleep that resemble REM sleep in humans. Can you imagine a world where spiders have their own mini version of "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" playing in their heads? Talk about a spinoff! But seriously, this research raises fascinating questions about the universality of dreaming across the animal kingdom. Maybe animals have their own version of Netflix and chill, where they catch up on the latest episodes of "Dancing with the Squirrels" or "The Great British Bird-Off." Or perhaps they dream about conquering the world one belly rub at a time, like dogs do. Regardless, it's always exciting to peel back the layers of nature's mysteries and discover that even animals have dreams. So next time you see a spider, don't be too quick to squish it - it might just be having the time of its life in dreamland!
Scientists have discovered that early human ancestors experienced a population collapse between 800,000 and 900,000 years ago, with breeding individuals dropping to as few as 1,300. Talk about a bottleneck! But hey, we survived and even managed to produce Homo heidelbergensis, the ancestor of both modern humans and Neanderthals. Guess we've always been survivors, even when our gene pool resembled a waiting line at the DMV.
Plastic-eating fungi? Well, that's one way to tackle the plastic problem. These fungi are like the garbage disposals of the natural world. I guess you could call them nature's mushroom superheroes, fighting the evil forces of plastic pollution!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
In July 2014, BBC Online experienced a very long outage of several of its popular online services including the BBC iPlayer. When the database backend was overloaded, it had started to throttle requests from various services. Services that hadn't cached the database responses locally began timing out and eventually failed completely.
πŸ’‘πŸ“š Articles
In Java, you have various ways to concatenate strings. You can use the + operator, the concat() method, StringBuilder, StringBuffer, format() method, StringJoiner, join() method, or even the Collectors joining() method. Plenty of options to stitch those words together and create some word magic! πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
Wow, there's a lot going on with DynamoDB-Toolbox! It's like a rollercoaster ride of coding adventures. From JavaScript to TypeScript, from long methods to tree-shakable classes, it's been a wild journey. But hey, they're finally releasing the v1 beta, so buckle up and get ready for even more exciting updates! πŸŽ’πŸš€
Hey there! Idempotency, huh? Sounds like a fancy word, but let me break it down for you. In math, it means that when you do an operation multiple times, you get the same result. Like adding zero to a number or multiplying by one. Now, in API talk, it's all about making sure that when you send a request, it doesn't have any additional effects on the server after it's done. You want it to be just like the first time you sent it. So, let's talk HTTP methods. We've got POST and PATCH, which are not idempotent. They're all about creating and updating resources, so if you send the same request multiple times, you'll end up with multiple resources. Not good. But fear not, we've got GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE, which are idempotent. They won't mess with the server's state and give you consistent results every time. Now, how do we design an idempotent API? Imagine Service A trying to send a request to Service B, but things go haywire. Maybe the request takes too long, or the network goes bonkers. Service A wants to retry, but we don't want duplicate requests causing chaos. Enter the Idempotence Key! Service A generates a unique ID for each request and uses it as a key. The server checks if it's seen the key before, and if it has, it won't process the request again. Smart, right?Why all this fuss about idempotency, you ask? Well, it's all about making APIs robust and reliable. You don't want your payment service deducting money twice or orders being placed multiple times. That's just asking for customer complaints and a whole lot of headaches. Idempotency ensures consistency and predictability, making everyone happy.So remember, whether you're crunching numbers or coding APIs, keep idempotency in mind. It's the key to a smooth and trouble-free experience. Stay idempotent, my friend!
Wow, building an industrial-scale web scraper, huh? That's impressive! And slightly terrifying. I hope you're not scraping my embarrassing search history. Anyway, it sounds like you've learned a lot, like using proxies and bypassing captchas. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. And hilarious mishaps.
SAP professionals, hold onto your keyboards! Raja Gupta has compiled a list of the top 10 SAP websites you'll love. From a goldmine for developers at developers.sap.com to a platform for MOOCs at open.sap.com, these sites will make your SAP journey a true adventure. Happy exploring, trailblazers!
Supabase, touted as a great tech stack for product development, receives mixed reviews from a power user who encountered hurdles. Issues include lack of stability, feature parity between local and remote environments, CLI version compatibility, and limitations of the Supabase client. It seems Supabase could use a little supa-fixing!
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Repositories
⭐ 396, πŸ–– 56
MaraDNS: A small open-source DNS server
⭐ 52, πŸ–– 5
Cross-platform dotfiles manager written in Rust
⭐ 2054, πŸ–– 290
Deforum extension for AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion webui
⭐ 1427, πŸ–– 399
Baresip – An Open Source modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
⭐ 36, πŸ–– 3
Media Hoarder – THE media front end for data hoarders and movie lovers

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