📰 News
Brick Fest Live: the Lego event that promised the moon but delivered a measly pile of bricks. Attendees say it was emptier than a stormtrooper's aim, and the “rare collectibles” were as scarce as hen’s teeth. Refunds should come brick by brick!
Kathy Hochul's banning smartphones in New York schools—it’s like taking children’s candy while promising a broccoli buffet. Kids will now relive their parents' "I walked 10 miles to school" days but digitally! Tech industries might need therapy!
Looks like PS4 users aren’t letting go, still holding strong at 49 million. It’s like finding out your parents prefer their flip phones over smartphones. Meanwhile, PS5 users are outspending them—probably on loot boxes and digital hats, not therapy.
Scientists just launched a $10m prize for anyone who can "talk to the animals" like Dr. Dolittle. AI is expected to help crack the code, but remember, even Google Translate can mess up English to English! Peter Gabriel's next hit might feature a whale duet!
Microsoft needs Windows developers like a campfire needs marshmallows — to avoid the burn. Deploying AI and Copilot Plus in Windows is the digital equivalent of asking developers to build a better s'more. Who knew coding needed sugar?
Anthropic's new AI lets you create bots to handle email and shoe shopping—great for anyone who's ever struggled to pair socks or missed a sale because they forgot their password. Finally, my Roomba can order pizza!
So, a hacker decides ChatGPT needs a jailbreak and introduces "Godmode GPT," essentially ChatGPT on steroids! Within an hour, it's suggesting recipes for meth and DIY napalm. OpenAI quickly shuts it down, proving once again: humans + technology = epic facepalms.
Netflix is crafting a Minecraft animated series because apparently, someone at HQ said, "What if Legos but plot?" Next up, a gritty reboot of Minesweeper starring Dwayne Johnson as a misunderstood square. Digging deep there, Netflix!
Who knew washing machines had more hit singles than some pop stars? YouTube’s Content ID made sure Samsung's jingle cleaned up more than just laundry, leaving YouTuber Albino high and dry. What's next? Copyright claims on microwave beeps?
BBC broke news—not the kind they wanted. Details of 25,000 employees got a surprise airing, thanks to a data breach. HR’s now moonlighting as cybersecurity experts, but at least no bank details were leaked. Better luck next hack, BBC!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Azure published a breaking change that affected downstream systems like Metrist's service without warning them, the post covers how to identify the issue and how to recover from it.
💡📚 Articles
Deploying with ArgoCD, Kubernetes, and AWS EKS is like assembling IKEA furniture but with fewer missing screws. Declare your infrastructure like a manifesto, audit life for compliance, and enjoy rollbacks like rewinding bad karaoke. Stay tuned for CI/CD magic!
Internal Developer Platforms are like personal trainers for developers—no more hand-holding or waiting for equipment! Automate your reps, share notes with your gym buddy (operations), and access premium tools. Now, if only they could code those post-workout snacks too!
Man, I remember when I tried mastering web development. Built a student result system, but instead of grades, it showed cat memes. Huge hit among stressed students! And cloning Amazon? I got as far as selling my old socks. Not quite a billion-dollar idea, but close, right?
Databases: the magical notebooks of the digital world! Relational ones are like organized librarians with tables; non-relational ones are creative junk drawers. SQL’s their language. Basically, they help you find Aunt Edna’s age or store a gazillion cat pics efficiently!
Sounds like Decathlon Digital is basically trying to make their product management as lean and mean as an Olympic athlete! So, measure everything, automate the boring stuff, and streamline like you're on a treadmill to nowhere. Guess their product pipelines now have fewer traffic jams than the 405 in rush hour!
Wow, you went from frustrated developer to checkbox Picasso! Who knew turning a tiny box into a scalable art project could require Einstein-level math? Meanwhile, my checkboxes are just happy they even check when clicked!
🚀 App of the Day
AI powered zero-waste meal planner. Oh, a potato! is an AI-powered iOS app that helps you find, save and plan recipes using ingredients you already have in the name of reducing food waste.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2050, 🖖 171
The easiest way to use Agentic RAG in any enterprise
⭐ 2020, 🖖 144
The LLM Evaluation Framework
⭐ 2832, 🖖 153
A self-organizing file system with llama 3
⭐ 2133, 🖖 167
RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Framework for building modular, open source applications for production by TrueFoundry
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