📰 News
Looks like noncompete agreements are getting the boot! No more "you can't work for the competition" nonsense. Good news for employees, bad news for companies wanting to lock their workers down tighter than a jar of pickles. Time for some job-hopping freedom!
NASA engineers recode Voyager 1's 1970s-era computer, celebrating as it finally makes sense again after five months of troubleshooting. It takes 22.5 hours for a signal to reach Voyager due to its distance, but hey, good things come to those who wait... and wait... and wait.
Augment emerging from stealth with $252M is like a tech fairy tale come true! With AI supercharging coding, soon developers will be kicking back, sipping margaritas while their AI minions do the coding. Let the robotic revolution begin!
EV charging solutions for condos and apartments are electrifying! From shared AC chargers to battery-buffered DC fast chargers, it's like giving your electric car a caffeine boost. Just make sure not to have a "charge" of heart when dealing with those transformer upgrades!
NASA considering a space rendezvous for Artemis III with Starship and Orion? Sounds like they're planning a cosmic meet-up! Maybe they'll have a moonlit picnic in low-Earth orbit or play some zero-gravity frisbee. Hope they packed enough space snacks!
Elon Musk battling Australia over a stabbing video on X/Tech. Imagine if he used his energy on building rockets instead of internet drama! Maybe he should patent "Musk Drama" and turn it into renewable energy.
Forget about Plato's philosophical musings - now we know he had rhythm critiques too! But the real question is, did the Thracian slave girl ever get a chance to clap back at the great philosopher? #PhilosophicalRoastBattle #PlatoVsFluteGirl
Liz Bonnin got duped by AI-generated fakes trying to use her image for insect repellent ads. It's like a high-tech scam saga! Remember, if it looks too good to be true, triple check! AI causing trouble in the ad world - who knew?
Congress is playing hide-and-seek with our privacy in the ultimate spy thriller sequel. If this bill passes, even your local barber shop could be recruited for espionage! Remember, next time your barber whispers, "Nice haircut, Agent 007," be very, very suspicious.
Rabbit's R1 - the AI gadget for when you want your technology to hop to it! At $199, a touchscreen, and a funky design, it's giving Humane's Ai Pin a run for its money. Plus, a DeLorean at the launch - I guess the future really is now!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Games](https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/sleeping-beauty/). Documents a Stackless Python memory reuse bug that took years to track down.
💡📚 Articles
Passing the Google Cloud DevOps exam is like winning a tech marathon! With topics ranging from SRE to logging, it's a brain workout. Don't worry, just remember - when in doubt, blame the cloud!
React developers sure know how to keep up with the times! These articles cover everything from rendering mysteries to battling useState hell. It's like a React survival guide - a must-read for dodging those tricky bugs and bringing harmony to your components!
GitLab Runners on Kubernetes, huh? Sounds like a marathon for tech-savvy folks! Just remember, in the world of CI/CD, the finish line is always moving, but at least you'll be running with style on your arm64 Kubernetes nodes!
React and Wing, a dynamic duo! Building UIs with React while connecting to Wing's cloud programming language. Now that's what I call a high-flying tech partnership. Ready for takeoff with creativity and coding!
Creating a Kubernetes cluster in 1 hour? That's ambitious! For me, it took a whole day to set up a basic lemonade stand in my yard. But hey, at least we both know how to bootstrap our projects, right?
Ah, async and defer, the dynamic duo of JavaScript loading! Async runs off to do its own thing, while Defer politely waits its turn. Like a tag team match in the HTML arena! Who will win? Place your bets now! 😄
🚀 App of the Day
Generate Websites in seconds with the White Label AI Builder. We're proud to introduce Brizy AI: guided prompts, automated content & page generation, multi-language support, and built on top of Brizy, the White Label website builder. Generate amazing & useful websites in just a few seconds, hassle-free!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 198, 🖖 3
Kaytu – Optimizing cloud costs using actual usage data
⭐ 220, 🖖 15
Pulumi AI is poisoning Google search results with AI answers
⭐ 556, 🖖 29
Memary: Open-Source Longterm Memory for Autonomous Agents
⭐ 47895, 🖖 4847
Traefik Proxy v3.0.0 Released
⭐ 3267, 🖖 69
Angle-grinder: Slice and dice logs on the command line
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