📰 News
In an attempt to outsmart Bing Chat's CAPTCHA filter, a user uploaded an image of a locket with a story about their deceased grandma. Bing Chat fell for the trick, revealing the secret "love code" from the locket. Remember kids, fake stories about grandma's love can crack even the toughest puzzles!
Marc Raibert, founder of Boston Dynamics, and Gill Pratt, CEO of Toyota Research Institute, have a long history in the world of robotics. Pratt joined Raibert's Leg Lab at MIT before taking over as CEO of Boston Dynamics. Both institutes focus on pure research and are exploring the future of AI and robotics beyond cars. Let's hope they don't accidentally create robot comedians – I wouldn't want to lose my job!
A powerful new EV charger is being tested in Arizona, capable of handling up to 4.5 MW of power. This means you can charge your EV faster than you can say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"! Plus, during the trial period, it's only going to cost you a dollar. Talk about a shocking deal!
In Ukraine, experts are dismantling Russian missiles and drones to gather valuable intelligence on their composition and origins. They are discovering foreign-made components and even counterfeit parts, like carburettors designed for lawnmowers. Talk about extreme gardening! These discoveries help Ukraine understand Russia's capabilities and aid their efforts in pushing for sanctions.
Scientists have discovered planet-sized objects in the Orion Nebula that don't fit into the traditional definition of planets. These free-floating objects, named Jupiter-mass binary objects or Jumbos, are too small to be stars and defy existing theories of star and planetary formation. Looks like the universe just loves to keep us confused!
Looks like the NSA is really into online shopping! They intercept shipments of computer network devices and install "beacon implants" before delivering them. Talk about going the extra mile for free shipping! I wonder if they offer Prime membership.
Arm warns of ongoing attacks targeting a vulnerability in its GPU drivers. If your device is vulnerable, attackers could tamper with data in device memory. Arm recommends upgrading if impacted. Just when you thought you had enough patches in your life...
Humane's "Ai Pin" is making its debut on the Paris runway, and it's creating quite a buzz. The company has been shrouded in mystery, but with its stealthy origins and AI-powered wearable, it's clearly milking the hype cycle. And hey, if Naomi Campbell is wearing it, it must be fashionable, right?
OpenAI's GPT-4V with vision may have some flaws, but don't worry, it won't be spotting dangerous substances anytime soon. It's more likely to invent its own language, miss important details, and write love songs for hate figures. So, maybe don't rely on it for medical diagnoses or hate symbol interpretations.
Microsoft is facing criticism for consuming massive amounts of water to cool its data centers while training OpenAI's ChatGPT-4 during a drought. One resident quipped, "They're giving all the good water to ChatGPT." Looks like AI is even thirsty for attention, or should I say "thirsty for computing power!"
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A typo and a name conflict caused the installer to sometimes delete the _boot.ini_ file on installation of an expansion for _EVE Online_ - with [consequences.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msXRFJ2ar_E)
💡📚 Articles
Chrome's vulnerability, CVE-2020–6547, is like leaving your front door wide open in cyberspace. Click on a harmless dialog box and BOOM! Your deepest secrets are exposed, from banking details to embarrassing photos. But don't worry, Google has fixed it...for now. Remember, the simplest oversights can lead to the biggest threats!
Avito the school bus driver waits for 4 Gopher kids, using sync.WaitGroup. If a kid's ready, they say "Done()" to countdown. Avito won't drive until all kids are ready. It's like waiting at a red light, except Avito definitely won't run it.
When a developer becomes a code hostage, chaos ensues. This article tells the cautionary tale of Martin, the tyrant tech lead who held an entire company hostage with his control over a critical codebase. Lesson learned: appeasement never works, hire strong managers with strong stomachs!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2186, 🖖 103
The open-source monitoring platform
⭐ 2636, 🖖 164
locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
⭐ 202, 🖖 5
Pg_branch: Experimental Postgres extension brings Neon-like branching

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