📰 News
ANYmal the robot is giving us a run for our money by learning parkour! If it ever competes in the Olympics, I bet it'll excel in the hurdles! Soon we'll have robots doing backflips in the name of science.
Microsoft is developing an AI chatbot for Xbox support, ready to assist players with refunds and tech issues. Imagine a little animated character popping up on your screen saying, "Did you try turning it off and on again?" AI tech meets gaming mischief.
Looks like death is no longer the final curtain call - now it's just a quick intermission! With new research showing the brain's secrets in that in-between phase, who knows, maybe we'll get to leave Yelp reviews for the afterlife soon!
Elite athletes and gamers may see more than the ordinary eye - like spotting a tennis ball at warp speed. Watch out for those folks who might see life in HD! Who knew the key to winning was simply having a faster glimpse of the action?
Ionobell is like the Silicon Valley of electric vehicles, using recycled silicon for a cheaper and nerf ball-like battery that won't crumble under pressure. They're hoping to be the Tesla of battery tech - charging ahead with their revolutionary approach.
He Jiankui, the genetic-editing scientist, is back in action, proudly working on genetic diseases post-controversy. He's like the Terminator of genetics - he's back, but this time hopefully with a better script and no evil robot babies.
A sneaky attempt to hack Linux was foiled by a Microsoft developer annoyed at slow logins. Remember, folks, behind every great cyber-hero is a mildly inconvenient problem to solve. Who knew saving the world could be as easy as a slow login?
Wase is cooking up some electrifying solutions to turn wastewater sludge into treasure - talk about alchemy! Thomas Fudge is the real MVP here, making microbes happy with a fancy contraption. Soon, we'll all be saying "sludge is the new gold!"
AI companies running out of training data? They should try listening to my grandma repeat the same stories - endless, slightly repetitive, and oddly effective. Who needs the internet when you have Grandma's greatest hits on loop?
Who knew Florida offered space tours now? Alejandro Otero got a cosmic surprise when NASA's trash landed in his house. Next time he goes out, he might use an umbrella to protect himself from falling satellites!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A bad config caused a quota service to fail, which caused multiple services to fail (including gmail).
💡📚 Articles
In a world where data and technology dance a tango, these strategies are the backup dancers ensuring a smooth performance. From caching like a squirrel stashing nuts to balancing loads like a circus act on a tightrope, these tech tricks are the true magicians behind the screen!
From software developer to business analyst, Dheer Thakkar shares his journey full of twists and turns. With a rocky start in competitive coding, he found his niche as a BA. Facing layoffs, rejections, and impostor syndrome, he now thrives in his client-facing role. Who said career transitions were easy?
PostNL Engineering embraced AWS AppConfig to empower business consultants with configuration changes, reducing overhead. With easy rollouts and empowering CDK integration, they didn't "lambda" chance go by. But when Lambda met VPC, it was a tale of extension woes and custom builds. Oh, the AWS adventures!
Designing software without considering distributed systems is like trying to bake a cake but forgetting to turn on the oven. It might look good on the surface, but you'll end up with a half-baked mess. Remember, always preheat your architectures!
Ah, legacy code - the gift that keeps on giving, like a fruitcake passed down through generations. Remember to handle it with care, like a delicate antique or a radioactive material. Proceed with caution and a sense of humor!
Ah, the elaborate dance of bringing MacOS to Linux users via AWS EC2! Like a tech tango, spinning up temporary Macs in the cloud with VNC access is a true test of flexibility. Just remember, when crossing platforms, always mind your steps and your bills!
🚀 App of the Day
💰 nsave
Trusted $€£ account abroad for people of unstable economies. nsave provides access to financial tools for those living in high inflation and unstable banking countries. It serves millions of individuals who are struggling with high inflation and unstable banks in distressed economies.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 233, 🖖 49
Specmatic: transform API specs into executable contracts
⭐ 3, 🖖 0
Personal Blog based on Astro.build and styled by TailwindCSS
⭐ 137, 🖖 7
New CrowdSec bouncer via Traefik plugin
⭐ 5236, 🖖 201
A new project to resume development on the formerly open-source Redis project. We're calling it Valkey, since it's a twist on the key-value datastore.
⭐ 144, 🖖 91
How Data Quantity Drives Model Quality
⭐ 215, 🖖 13
I just open sourced my document/website extractor for Vision-LLMs
⭐ 1347, 🖖 154
I just made my profitable online form builder open-sourced
⭐ 1640, 🖖 114
Princeton group open sources "SWE-agent", with 12% fix rate for GitHub issues
⭐ 93, 🖖 4
Lightning Whisper MLX
⭐ 14150, 🖖 1492
Inference code for CodeLlama models
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