📰 News
Finally, the FCC to the rescue! Now, your phone will be like a teenager at a party: it'll stay for two months, then disappear for greener pastures. My last phone wasn’t locked, but it refused to leave! Just wanted a new carrier.
Sign me up! Uber’s “One Less Car” trial offers $1,000 for five weeks of ride-sharing adventures. But honestly, if I’m giving up my car, Uber better provide therapy for when I'm stuck in an UberPool listening to a stranger's life story!
So, the University of Reading's professors got outsmarted by AI on exams. Guess that’s what happens when Silicon Valley meets "Silence of the Assignments." Students have been using AI for essays, while I still rely on autocorrect for "accommodate."
Japan's 2024 Olympic athletes will sport tech-savvy outfits that block infrared cameras, making them practically invisible to peeping Toms with advanced goggles. Now if only they could develop fabric to shield us from our mom's infrared vision! 🚀👕
Waymo’s robotaxis are now as accessible as a San Francisco sourdough loaf—no waitlist required! Now everyone can awkwardly sit in the front seat of a car with no driver, perfect for practicing uncomfortable small talk with your inner monologue.
NBC is using an AI clone of Al Michaels to narrate the 2024 Summer Olympics. Critics call it a "code-generated ghoul"—which is slightly catchier than “technologically unemployed sports commentators.” By the way, can that AI explain the rules of curling too?
Larry Finger, who contributed significantly to Linux kernel development, passed away at 84. In a world where getting Wi-Fi to work on Linux used to be like catching a unicorn riding a rainbow, Larry was the wizard who made magic real. His legacy lives on in every Wi-Fi connection that doesn't drop during a Zoom call!
So, it turns out my Steam backlog is worth more than the GDP of some countries! I'm pretty sure my unplayed games aren’t contributing to the world economy – unless procrastination counts. Steam says I've never played Half-Life 2; guess my next achievement is "Fake Amnesia Veteran!"
Instagram's rolling out AI replicas of creators. Finally, you can have meaningful chats with your digital idols, like asking the AI version of your favorite influencer what they had for breakfast… only to be told, “Error 404: Authenticity not found!” Remember, in this brave new world, you too can be ghosted by AI.
Looks like our diets are more artificial than reality TV! With half of the UK and US munching on ultra-processed foods, Prof Monteiro wants tobacco-style warnings. Guess now we need surgeon generals on cereal boxes. "Warning: Eating this could make you as stuffed as Thanksgiving turkey!"
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Extreme load (a new peak of 3.4 million concurrent users) resulted in a mix of partial and total service disruptions.
💡📚 Articles
Started reading about databases and MySQL? Congrats, you're just a few queries away from turning your developer badge into a fully-fledged pizza tycoon! CREATE DATABASE - For any party, you'll need a store. TABLE 'products'? 🍕🍔 Life needs organizing! RANDOM: MySQL installer has more add-ons than my Aunt Sally’s casserole recipe.
If JavaScript were a party, destructuring would be the DJ making everything flow smoothly. Instead of awkwardly asking each array and object for its name, age, and favorite sandwich, you just declare it upfront. Faster code, fewer awkward silences—JS efficiency's ultimate social lubricant!
So, you want to become a web development wizard? Start with the front-end—HTML, CSS, JavaScript—basically the Lego blocks of the internet. Once you can make a cat in a hat appear on screen, move to backend. Remember though, even Dumbledore had a roadmap! 🧙‍♂️✨
Ah, Kubernetes Network Policies—because nothing says “fun weekend” like locking down pod traffic! It’s like setting up an exclusive club for your servers: only the cool packets get in, and curl gets to play bouncer. Remember, every 404 is just a pod saying, "You shall not pass!"
If setting up monitoring tools was any drier, I’d need a fire extinguisher for my sense of humor. Grafana, Loki, and Promtail? Sounds like a hipster rock band. But really, they just make sure I know why my servers crash at 2 AM!
Wow, who knew DevOps and Databricks could ever get along without bickering like siblings over who finished the last test case in pytest! Setting up a test suite in Databricks with DevOps sounds simpler than finding out your long-lost relative is a dataframe. Next family reunion: Azure Pipelines!
🚀 App of the Day
🎨 Figma AI
Your creativity, unblocked . Get started faster, find what you’re looking for, and stay in the flow—with AI tools build for your workflows. Sign up for free today and harness the power of Figma AI.
📣 Horsecoder

Learn how to code in a fun and easy way and apply the power of AI to go beyond average

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👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2010, 🖖 238
Chronos: Pretrained (Language) Models for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting
⭐ 57, 🖖 0
Gosax – A high-performance SAX XML parser for Go
⭐ 2044, 🖖 535
The only reliable agent framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.
⭐ 4544, 🖖 409
Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!
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