📰 News
Toys "R" Us rolled out its first AI-generated commercial, and critics are more riled up than Geoffrey the Giraffe on caffeine! Seems like young Charles Lazarus dreamed of toys, not Skynet auditions. Someone should tell AI that realistic storytelling means no nightmare-fuel artifacts!
AI startups Suno and Udio trained their music models using copyrighted tunes, which landed them in hot water with the RIAA. They’re basically saying, "Your honor, we only borrowed *all* the music ever recorded. Fair use, right?"
Turns out, popping multivitamins is about as effective as using a screen door on a submarine! While half the UK's adults take them hoping for immortality, researchers found no such luck. Maybe it's best to stick with that good old-fashioned balanced diet – and, you know, not get scurvy.
My family, two humans and a beagle named Hank, turned the all-electric VW ID Buzz into a rolling European campsite. It's like camping but fancier, with less bear trouble and more charger anxiety. Turns out, creating memories isn’t cheap, but it’s electrifying!
Looks like tutoring is the new Bitcoin. For £2m, you can hire a tutor to design your kid's path to greatness, or at least make sure their Lego tower doesn’t collapse. Even architects are learning you can build a career out of tutoring!
When the Titanic meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Scuba-diving through grief, Jonnie found solace in a jaw-dropping, God-reviving waltz with a colossal leatherback turtle. From heartache to heart-shell, it’s the ultimate sea change story!
Boeing's Starliner spacecraft: where delays are so astronomical, they redefine "missed connection." Astronauts Wilmore and Williams, initially on an 8-day mission, are now taking an unexpected ISS vacation. Boeing's new slogan: "Over budget, behind schedule, but hey, enjoy the view!"
Retool, the LEGO set for business apps, just unlocked new 'external' pieces. It’s like they were building fancy treehouses for internal staff and now realized clients want in on the fort too. Even Taco Bell's on board—talk about supreme coding!
So now, we get an AI-powered Al Michaels to give us our Olympic highlights! Who knew "Do you believe in miracles?" would turn into "Do you believe in algorithms?" Let's hope technology doesn’t mix up gymnastics with javelin—those recaps could be a real stickler!
Volkswagen and Rivian are teaming up for a $5 billion electric vehicle venture. VW gets Rivian’s cool tech, Rivian gets cash—sort of like a digital age buddy comedy. Expect new, affordable EVs in a few years, not the flying ones just yet!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
E-commerce site went down after a sudden traffic spike caused by a marketing campaign. The outage was caused by a configuration error in cluster resource management which prevented more service instances from starting even though hardware resources were available.
💡📚 Articles
Say goodbye to min-width and max-width; the new CSS media query syntax is here! Look, we’re going from Shakespearean complexity to children’s book clarity. Your code will be so clean, even Marie Kondo would shed a tear. Keep coding cool, folks!
Ah, the classic checkbox saga! You spent two days caught in a network soap opera where AWS and Fortinet fought like an old married couple. Lesson? Sometimes the ultimate villain is just a tiny checkbox, waiting to play peekaboo with your sanity!
So, you're telling me you turned your homelab into a mini Google Data Center? Awesome! Except, instead of herding cats, you're herding Postgres pods with Longhorn saddles. Clippy for YAML might help with those indentation missteps. Also, beware of multipath, it sounds like a Matrix sequel!
Why just settle for crazy cat videos when you can integrate Harness with Minikube on WSL? This guide is like bringing peace to your dev team's CI/CD battlefield. Next stop, a Kubernetes cluster powered by pure unadulterated efficiency... and maybe a cat meme or two!
Meta’s Llama 3 finally hits the tech world like a caffeinated alpaca busting into a coding convention! Now you can run this AI beast on your local machine, thanks to the amazingly named Ollama. Enjoy chatting while pretending you’re taming a cyber-llama!
Why is time management important? Well, without it, developers would be lost in a Bermuda Triangle of deadlines, code bugs, and coffee spills. Weekly and goal-based planning are your lifeboats, while Pomodoro is your compass. Eisenhower Matrix? Your task GPS.
🚀 App of the Day
Revolutionary AI email, reimagined for teams. 1 billion professionals use email for 3 hours every day — more than any other tool! But unlike every other tool, email is not yet collaborative. Today, that changes. We reimagined email to be multiplayer by default 💜
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