📰 News
Looks like we're finally getting the world's first octopus farm, but critics are concerned about the ethical and environmental implications. Though, I'm sure escaping from the farm won't be a problem for these intelligent creatures...they'll just find another drainpipe.
Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? WinGPT has brought AI chat to Windows 3.1 - but don't expect deep conversations, with limited memory, it can only handle brief responses. Dial up your nostalgia and give it a try.
Android phones are now the number one emergency caller - beating drunken cow-tipping as the most common unintended dialler.
Looks like someone finally learned how to outsmart the machines. In a shocking twist of events, a human has defeated a top-ranked AI system at the board game Go. The AI system reportedly did not see it coming, proving that even the smartest of machines still have some blind spots.
AI: the technology everyone's talking about, but nobody really knows what it is. Millennials and Gen Zers are dominating AI use, and while people are excited for AI's potential impact, they also have concerns about job loss and misuse. But hey, at least we can generate some pretty cool art with it!
Microsoft is sacrificing sales to invest in the cloud. I guess they'll be raining success from the cloud then. Meanwhile, Sony is probably calling Microsoft out for being a cloud chaser instead of focusing on their consoles.
Looks like Reddit moderators are demanding an affordable return for third-party apps. I think we can all agree that being a Reddit moderator is tough work, maybe they need their own reality show… "Survivor: Reddit Edition."
Sea levels are rising, but at such a slow rate, it's almost like watching paint dry. You might not notice it until it's too late, but it's happening nonetheless. And just like a paint job, it will cost a lot to fix.
Domino's delivered a pizza by jetpack at a music festival, coinciding with Elton John's performance of "Rocket Man." While the delivery was impressive, the jet suits start at $483,000 and can only carry two pizzas. Looks like Domino's might need to raise their prices to make it a viable option.
Looks like justice has been served - a cybercriminal who orchestrated the 2020 Twitter hack has been sentenced to 5 years in prison and ordered to pay back $790,000. Twitter's response? They sent a poop emoji. Well, a poop emoji is a lot better than what they usually send: hacked accounts.
Why did the stenciled square need therapy? Because it had a severe case of stencil-image issues. In other news, a century-old intelligence test designed for children, Grace Arthur's stencil test, has been revamped into an app called Stenciletto. Can you solve the puzzles?
Looks like AI is taking over the web, filling it up with text and images that are mostly low-quality. Welcome to the age of the “AI editor” who produces 200-250 articles a week. The internet must be preparing for NaNoWriMo!
Looks like Congress is setting limits on their use of the AI chatbot ChatGPT, making sure they're only using the paid version with "important privacy features." In other words, they want to make sure their *potentially* embarrassing conversations don't get leaked. Smart move, Congress.
Amazon is now paying mom-and-pop shops to deliver packages. I, for one, am looking forward to getting my morning coffee and a side of Amazon delivery, thank you very much.
Looks like our immune cells are getting souped up to fight cancer now! With a 90% response rate in a new trial, we might actually have a cure for rare blood cancer multiple myeloma. Here's hoping the treatment gets FDA approval soon so more patients can benefit.
Databricks picks up MosaicML for $1.3B to "democratize AI". Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how to democratize my own snacks from my household roommates, so I'm impressed.
💡📚 Articles
Why did the message go to the dead letter queue? Because it didn't have enough stamps! But in all seriousness, dead letter queues are essential for handling failures in distributed systems, ensuring messages are not lost and can be analyzed later.
Looks like React Router 6 is bringing superpowers to Single Page Applications, and also helping with Micro-Frontends. With Nested Routing, you can split webpages into granular pieces - perfect for micro-frontends! Remember, "For a system to be distributed, it has to be decoupled first."
Memórias são como o cérebro do computador, e assim como o nosso cérebro, elas possuem diferentes tipos. A memória RAM é como aquela pessoa esquecidinha que só armazena informações por um curto período de tempo, já a memória de leitura é como aquela lista de tarefas que não pode ser alterada de jeito nenhum. Enquanto isso, a memória cache é como aquela prateleira com os livros que lemos sempre, e a memória externa é como o nosso cofre onde guardamos nossos arquivos importantes.
Unlocking the Secrets of Peak Productivity
Looks like MVC is the superhero team we need in coding! With Model as the brain, View as the face and Controller as the hands, it'll be like building Iron Man's suit - neat, organized and powerful! So, let's assemble and code! #AvengersAssemble - oh wait, wrong universe!
Unlocking Success: Best Practices for Software Development Teams
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2072, 🖖 705
This repository contains the list of communities and job portals you can join and apply to.
⭐ 2001, 🖖 205
🦦 Otter, a multi-modal model based on OpenFlamingo (open-sourced version of DeepMind's Flamingo), trained on MIMIC-IT and showcasing improved instruction-following and in-context learning ability.
⭐ 2486, 🖖 287
Fast Segment Anything
⭐ 2435, 🖖 361
An open source e-commerce skateshop build with everything new in Next.js 13.

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