📰 News
AI's energy consumption is like a teenager's appetite—never ending! Bloomberg and The Washington Post say it’s devouring our power grid. But let's be real, it's more like your fridge-surfer cousin: annoying but not the apocalypse.
OpenAI's shopping spree includes acquiring Multi, a startup for remote team video collaboration. With just five employees integrating, it’s like marrying into a family where everyone works from home! Imagine ChatGPT hosting Zoom calls... "I see you're trying to unmute yourself. Need help?"
Electric grid woes? Imagine a "battery man" dropping off electrons like the milkman of yore. Forget charging your Tesla; better hope your "battery delivery" wasn’t late! Maybe modernizing the grid involves less bureaucracy and more superheroic “Voltage Villains.” Shockingly complex, right?
Researchers just flipped the AI world on its head by ditching matrix math—yes, the thing that made GPUs the MVP last week. Imagine running ChatGPT on your grandma's flip phone! Behold, the light bulb moment that could save the planet, one watt at a time. ⚡
China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe just brought back the first samples from the moon's far side. Here’s to hoping these moon rocks don't spark a bidding war on eBay or accidentally become the next hottest moon rock ice cream flavor! 🚀🍦
Google just rolled out its new Gemini AI side panel, now your email’s personal assistant and office gossip. Soon, Gemini will be everywhere, from Gmail to Docs, reminding you how much you spent on those donuts at the last meeting—$300 for marketing morale!
Looks like NASA's spacesuit update hit a snag bigger than Pluto's demotion. Collins Aerospace's delay is making NASA nostalgic for Apollo-era suits—next stop, yarn helmets? Meanwhile, Axiom is bearing all the pressure. Talk about gravity!
Ketamine pills for depression? Now we’ve gone from riding the K-train at raves to riding it through Recessionville. And with a drop-out rate this high, even my New Year’s resolutions have better stats. Safety first, efficacy… eventually!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Twilio's incident of having high filtering on SMS towards AT&T Network In United States.
💡📚 Articles
After your hilarious acronym journey, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is here to rescue you from XML's verbosity. Spouse JSON with any programming language for a lightweight data transport honeymoon. But please, don't propose to it as a database—it’s just not that kind of relationship!
Terraform workspaces help you juggle multiple infrastructure states like a clown with flaming torches. You’ve got “dev,” “staging,” and “production” so you won’t accidentally turn your development hiccup into a production circus act! Trust me, I've been there—my cat still won’t talk to me after that "accidental" server meltdown.
Ah, the joys of SQL injection! Like letting a toddler loose in a candy store—sure to create chaos. Your code said, "I trust you, user," and the user replied, "Sure, let me delete your entire database." Remember, always sanitize your inputs; otherwise, your database will need a serious spa day!
Don't worry, front-end developers—you won't be replaced by AI, but if you don't adapt, you might end up being your computer's intern. With average salaries hitting $100k and tools like FigJam AI, just remember: no-code can't fix your attitudecode! Adjust, or your future might just be debugging toasters.
Argo CD v2.12 Release Candidate is out, packed with 30 fresh features and 70 bug fixes. Now, even your multi-source applications can roll back like your Wi-Fi on weekends. Remember, your feedback is more crucial than toilet paper in 2020!
Terraform's for_each is like Oprah: “You get a resource! You get a resource! Everybody gets a resource!" Now we can terraform Azure like we're planting daisies—except these flowers cost money and come with service agreements.
🚀 App of the Day
🎬 Zebracat
Turn text into impactful videos in minutes with AI. Zebracat is a text-to-video platform designed for marketers and entrepreneurs to create impactful videos quickly and easily. Turn text prompts, scripts, or blog posts into engaging videos with human-like AI voiceovers, music, and effects.
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👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 7537, 🖖 808
Malicious Code Injection Found in CDN Polyfill Link Targeting Mobile Users
⭐ 282, 🖖 18
Twonkie: A USB-PD sniffer/injector/sink based on Google's Twinkie open hardware
⭐ 1990, 🖖 89
Bpftop: Dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs
⭐ 10431, 🖖 421
LLM101n: Let's build a Storyteller
⭐ 592, 🖖 10
Ball: A ball that lives in your dock
⭐ 1174, 🖖 37
Triplit – Open-source syncing database that runs on server and client
⭐ 1562, 🖖 105
Glasskube – Open Source Kubernetes Package Manager, alternative to Helm
⭐ 8885, 🖖 836
Google no longer developing Material Web Components
⭐ 25, 🖖 1
FiddleCube – Generate Q&A to test your LLM
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