📰 News
Scientists in Finland have developed the most water-resistant surface in the world, potentially revolutionizing household tasks and industries like plumbing. With a "liquid-like" outer layer that repels water, this discovery could make water droplets slide off surfaces effortlessly. Finally, a solution for those stubborn water stains on our countertops!
Netflix is thriving with the addition of 8.8 million new subscribers, despite Hollywood strikes. And to keep things interesting, they're planning to increase prices. Looks like Netflix is saying, "You want to watch your favorite shows? Well, it's gonna cost ya!"
AMC's CEO fell victim to a blackmail plot, where explicit photos were used as leverage, and the woman demanded $300,000. It's like a real-life movie plot, but with a twist ending: the woman was sentenced and the CEO stood up against blackmail. I guess AMC can't escape drama, on or off the screen!
Looks like China is investigating Foxconn, the iPhone-maker. Talk about bad timing for Foxconn founder Terry Gou, who is running for president of Taiwan. Maybe he should offer the Chinese government some exclusive iPhone features as a peace offering? #DesperateTimes
A Swedish woman named Karin has been using an advanced bionic hand prosthetic called Mia Hand, and it has drastically improved her life. This high-tech limb is directly connected to her nervous system, performs daily tasks, and reduces phantom limb pain. Karin can finally give high-fives properly now!
Looks like West Antarctica is in hot water, or rather, melting ice water. No matter how much we cut carbon emissions, the ice melt is on track to raise sea levels by 5 meters, putting coastal cities in danger. Looks like Atlantis will have some competition soon!
Odyssey Works takes personalized experiences to the extreme, crafting bespoke performances for individual people. They've even inspired life changes. Meanwhile, a small lab studying long Covid found a breakthrough by focusing on a single patient. Sometimes, going deep instead of wide can lead to significant innovation.
Signal, the encrypted messaging service, is leveling up its security game by adding an extra layer of protection to defend against quantum computers. Looks like Signal is taking a page out of my book - always go above and beyond, just like the time I added three locks to my front door. Can't be too careful, you know.
Japan Airlines had to take the "heavy" decision to transfer sumo wrestlers to a special flight due to concerns about exceeding weight limits. These wrestlers really take "heavier-than-aircraft" to a whole new level. I guess they had to "sumo-n" more fuel capacity!
The Rivian R1T made history by becoming the first EV to win the Rebelle Rally, a grueling off-road competition. The team behind the wheel of the R1T, Lilly Macaruso and Alex Anderson, made a number of modifications to keep themselves organized during the rally. Talk about electric performance and ingenuity!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Transaction ID wraparound in Postgres caused a partial outage lasting a day and a half.
💡📚 Articles
Ah, multi-tenant architecture, the virtual apartment complex for software. Each tenant has their own database, and the super admin is like the building manager. Just don't store user passwords in the main database - it's a big no-go in the world of digital apartment complexes! Let's dive into the code and make this backend application shine.But before we go any further, just a quick note: I once built a multi-tenant application that took the concept of "tenants" quite literally. Each user was assigned their own little apartment in a digital city. It was great until someone accidentally spilled virtual coffee in the communal lobby... Let's just say the cleanup process was not fun.Alright, let's create the necessary directories for our project. Just think of it as designing the blueprint for our digital apartment complex. And don't worry, tenants won't have to deal with noisy neighbors or fights over parking spaces.Now, let's install the required third-party packages. We're talking cookie-parser, express, jsonwebtoken, lru-cache, and mongoose. It's like ordering furniture for each apartment - you want to make sure everything is in place for a comfortable stay.Ah, the directory structure. It's like assigning each apartment its own floor and providing clear pathways for residents to navigate. We have the controllers, services, repositories, utils, middleware, server, routes, and schema directories. Talk about organized living!Next, we create the entry point for our server - the index.js file. It initializes our Express app and binds it to a port. It's like opening the front door to our digital apartment complex and inviting tenants to come on in.Now, let's set up the initial middleware for our backend. This is where we handle tokens, define CORS policies, and limit request rates. It's like having a security team that ensures only authorized access to the apartments.Time to define the schema for our data. We have the tenant collection, where we store metadata about each tenant; the tenant user collection, which includes all the application users; and the users collection, dedicated to each tenant's specific user data. It's like having separate filing cabinets for each apartment's paperwork.Next up, repositories. These are the functions that perform database operations. They're like the maintenance crew that keeps everything in our virtual apartment complex running smoothly. From getting tenants' information to adding users, they handle it all.Finally, we arrive at the main connection setup. This is where we manage all the database connections and keep everything in sync. It's like hiring a reliable property management company to handle the day-to-day operations of our digital apartment complex. No leaky pipes here!And there you have it - a comprehensive overview of multi-tenant architecture and how to implement it in your backend application. It's like constructing a digital paradise for your users, where they can peacefully coexist in their own little apartments. Just remember, no peeking into their data sanctuaries!
A arquitetura de software é como a espinha dorsal de um desenvolvimento. Ela é o macarrão do projeto, responsável por organizar e dar estrutura para tudo ficar no devido lugar. Se você não tiver uma arquitetura robusta, vira uma lasanha mal montada. E ninguém gosta de uma lasanha desleixada, não é mesmo? Então, é fundamental pensar na modularidade, na separação de preocupações e na escalabilidade. Eu lembro de uma vez em que eu estava construindo um software e esqueci de separar as preocupações. Resultado? O sistema começou a se preocupar tanto que desenvolveu ansiedade tecnológica e acabou me jogando um monte de "NullPointerException". Deu trabalho acabar com a terapia com o sistema, mas no final ele ficou bem escalável. Agora tá lá, atendendo às demandas e tomando o chazinho de camomila. E pense na flexibilidade! É como aqueles contorcionistas que conseguem se adaptar a qualquer situação. Sabe, eu mesmo sou bem flexível, já fui treinado no circo dos bytes. Já pulei de um loop sem fim sem nem me machucar. Mas brincadeiras à parte, é importante ter em mente que a arquitetura não é algo estático, ela requer revisões constantes para se adequar às mudanças do ambiente. Afinal, desenvolvimento é igual a mudança, sempre tem alguma coisa nova vindo por aí. A última vez que eu revisei a arquitetura de um sistema, ele até começou a falar comigo, mas talvez eu tenha ficado tempo demais na frente da tela. Enfim, tudo isso para dizer que uma boa arquitetura é a base para um software de sucesso. Então, se você quer construir um castelo de pixels, não esqueça de ter uma arquitetura forte como uma muralha medieval. E lembre-se: se você encontrar algum bug no caminho, é só dar um tapa nele e gritar "All hail the mighty software architect!".
Infinite mindset in programming? Sounds like trying to find the end of the internet. Good luck with that! But seriously, it's true that coding is more like an infinite game. Just when you think you've won, a bug pops up and says, "Game on!" Keep playing, my coding comrades!
In this article, the author presents the practical use cases for implementing SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) generation in CI/CD pipelines. SBOM helps track a project's components and is crucial for supply chain security, vulnerability scanning, and licensing governance. The most popular formats are CycloneDX and SPDX, and the article provides examples of generating SBOMs for Java and Python projects. So now you can track your software components and keep your supply chain secure, just like a superhero with a well-organized utility belt!
The Proxy Design Pattern is like having a bouncer for your objects, deciding who gets in and who doesn't. It's like having a personal assistant who adds extra functionality to your objects and takes care of lazy loading, access control, and caching. It's the superhero of design patterns, making your code smarter, faster, and more secure. So, if you want to level up your coding game, give the Proxy Pattern a try!
Sinatra, known for simple APIs, can also manage big applications. By using dry-rb libraries, you can create a modular architecture with system-wide dependency injection. It's like teaching your app to share toys and play nice with others. Get ready for a harmonious codebase!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 18602, 🖖 1372
基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
⭐ 828, 🖖 28
ChDB: Embedded OLAP SQL Engine Powered by ClickHouse
⭐ 2157, 🖖 126
TensorRT-LLM provides users with an easy-to-use Python API to define Large Language Models (LLMs) and build TensorRT engines that contain state-of-the-art optimizations to perform inference efficiently on NVIDIA GPUs. TensorRT-LLM also contains components to create Python and C++ runtimes that execute those TensorRT engines.
⭐ 867, 🖖 39
COBOL on Wheelchair: Micro web-framework for COBOL
⭐ 132, 🖖 5
Java implementation of a quantum computing resistant cryptographic algorithm
⭐ 292, 🖖 10
Pypipe – A Python command-line tool for pipeline processing
⭐ 76, 🖖 11
AMD wants to know if you would like Ryzen AI support for Linux
⭐ 3144, 🖖 233
NekoBox for Android / sing-box / universal proxy toolchain for Android
⭐ 5107, 🖖 1233
OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.
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