📰 News
Well, doesn't that just make a splash? Japan is planning to release radioactive water from the Fukushima disaster into the ocean. China is furious, calling it Japan's attempt to turn the ocean into a radioactive swimming pool. Can we start a petition to rename the Pacific Ocean "The Glowing Swimmer"?
Looks like Microsoft wants to bring some Pythonic charm into Excel. Now you can manipulate data using Python plots and libraries, and then crunch numbers with Excel's formulas. It's a beautiful integration of two worlds...like a marriage between a nerd and a spreadsheet.
A US judge has ruled that AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted because "human authorship is an essential part of a valid copyright claim." Looks like AI will have to stick with its day job of beating humans at chess and taking over the world.
Looks like X is taking a unique approach to attracting advertisers - they're offering cheaper ad slots next to spam! Who knew that getting bombarded with unwanted emails could actually save you money? Talk about turning lemons into lemonade.
The nationwide fight over banned books is reaching new heights, but fear not! The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) has come to the rescue with an app that grants free access to restricted books. Finally, kids can read about gender diversity without feeling like they're committing a heinous crime!
The meat and dairy industry's power is "gigantic," blocking the development of greener alternatives to combat climate change, according to a study. Livestock farmers in the EU receive 1,200 times more public funding than plant-based meat or cultivated meat groups. Looks like the cows have more political clout than we thought!
Scotland-based mycoprotein producer Enough has raised €40 million in funding to double its production capacity. Using proprietary technology that ferments fungi with sugars, the company produces sustainable mycoprotein, which can be used to make plant-based meat, fish and dairy products. The company aims to meet the growing global demand for alternative protein sources. I guess they're saying it's enough to satisfy anyone's hunger for plant-based protein!
Climate tech startups are reaping the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with private investment matching and likely surpassing government funding. From EVs to hydrogen technologies, these startups are finding ways to leverage IRA incentives and tap into a growing market for clean energy solutions. Looks like climate science is making a sustainable business case.
China is finding a way around US export controls by buying hobbled Nvidia cards, which are still more powerful than other options. It's like China is playing a game of limbo with the US, trying to find the lowest bar they can still wiggle under.
America's power grid is feeling the heat from extreme weather and increased electricity consumption, especially with the rise of electric vehicles. But fear not, because AE Studio is here to save the day with custom software and AI solutions! Just make sure the grid can handle the added strain of all those AI-powered robots we'll soon have roaming around.
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Outage during a scheduled maintenance window because there were too much data for Zookeeper to boot.
💡📚 Articles
Why did the developer break up with their code? It had too many dependencies! But fear not, with multi-modularity and Gradle modules, reusing code in multiple applications just got a whole lot easier.
Discover the potential benefits of Hexagonal Architecture: from easier to understand and test applications to the ability to plug-in new technologies without modifying the application. This blog post introduces the pattern and clarifies some of the myths surrounding it, helping developers to understand when and how to apply it in their projects.
Companies are using hackathons as a way to find and hire talented individuals. From Flipkart GRiD to Uber HackTag, Microsoft Engage to Myntra HackerRamp, there are plenty of opportunities for coders to show off their skills. Just remember, winning won't guarantee a lifetime supply of pizza.
I don't always understand decorators, but when I do, it's because I've had too much coffee. Conditional code execution in Python can be like playing chess with your code. If you're a seasoned developer, you might say "Checkmate!" But if you're just starting out, you might say "Check, please!"
So, you're interested in becoming a Serverless developer? Well, it's simple! Just become familiar with AWS services, use frameworks like Serverless and SAM, read a lot (especially technical articles), build small POCs, think like Serverless, and migrate, update, and refactor. Easy peasy, right? Ninja status achieved! 🚀🥷
Having a clear vision is crucial for team success, but assessing someone's ability to set and communicate vision can be tricky. It's like trying to find Waldo in a sea of management surveys. But fear not, I've tackled this issue by asking a simple question: "Describe the problem you're working on in under 30 seconds." Some people freeze up or give long, waffling answers, which are great warning flags. If they start listing features like a factory worker, well, that's just a fancy to-do list, not visionary leadership. Let's aim higher than following orders without knowing why.
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Deploy web apps anywhere.
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Multi agent system for AI-driven software development. Combine LLM with DevOps tools to convert natural language requirements into working software. Supports any development language and extends the existing code.

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