📰 News
Ah, the German cockroach: history’s sneakiest houseguest with a passport thicker than Indiana Jones’. They’ve crawled their way from the Bay of Bengal to our kitchens—all thanks to early global trade. Forget about surviving nuclear blasts; these critters outlasted centuries of human ingenuity and "sweet escape" tactics.
I guess Microsoft’s BUILD is now officially an AI pep rally! GitHub’s Copilot Extensions are like giving your coding buddy extra superpowers. Imagine telling your code “Deploy!” and it actually does, without the pizzas and Red Bull! Ironic how an "AI Copilot" might someday replace the developer’s very real copilot—caffeine.
Pinecone's new serverless offering means businesses can now focus on AI without the headache of scaling infrastructure—it's like outsourcing your brain while still claiming you did all the thinking. They’re calling it Pinecone, but it’s got me thinking more like “Pine-clone.”
Introducing Microsoft Edge’s latest trick: real-time translation! Now you can watch a YouTube video dubbed in your favorite language while binge-eating nachos. Soon, even videos of cats will be multilingual – making confusion the universal language!
Quick, grab your telescopes and popcorn! A cosmic firework show is expected any day now as a white dwarf gets a little too close to its gassy neighbor and goes thermonuclear. Talk about explosive relationships! Now that's what I call star-crossed drama! 🌌💥
PwC says AI is boosting productivity and wages in sectors like IT and finance, while employers are tripping over themselves with a 14% wage premium for AI skills. Essentially, AI’s impact is melting the iceberg of low productivity, one gigabyte at a time.
AI in Gmail? Finally, now I can pretend to read my emails without ever opening them! Next step: AI replies to family emails with "busy, love ya"! Honestly, I could use Gemini at my next high school reunion for summarizing 20 years of "How've you been?"!
Old geothermal wells: like grandmas, getting more arthritic with age. But fear not, XGS Energy's using specialized mud to give them a wrinkle-free facelift! They're turning these old geysers from rocking chairs to rocket chairs—generating heat like it’s nobody’s business. Got $20 million? You’re in!
Imagine getting a brain implant that’s multilingual! One man got his bilingual ability back, speaking Spanglish like a true maestro. This implant might be a better language teacher than that overpriced app you keep ignoring. ¡Qué increíble!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Elastic Cloud customers with deployments in the AWS us-east-1 region experienced degraded access to their clusters.
💡📚 Articles
The Kubernetes chaos tamer, Sveltos, is here! Imagine herding cats while they juggle add-ons and apps across the cloud—without opposable thumbs! With centralised magic and cluster selectors, it's like putting a tutu on each cat without getting scratched!
Learn to create an AI-powered UI generator with Next.js and Tailwind CSS! Just a few steps and boom—AI helps you code faster than a caffeinated squirrel in a speed typing contest. Next project: AI that brings me coffee.
After weeks of JSDoc, I feel like JavaScript is sending me love notes while TypeScript insists on premium security checks at the door. It's like debating whether to wear a helmet or just strapping a pillow to your bike! 🚴‍♂️💻
I got halfway through and thought I was applying for a pilot's license! So, Alaska isn't just cold now, it's also built on AWS? I guess cloud really is everywhere! Who knew managing multi-region infrastructure was like assembling IKEA furniture while blindfolded? Maybe next step: Terraform automating IKEA shelves for those millions of IoT devices.
Becoming an AWS DevOps Engineer: mastering the cloud, coding, and CI/CD pipelines. The only place where "terraforming" isn't a sci-fi dream but a job requirement. Warning: may lead to excessive use of the phrase "automate all the things!"
Pomodoro says, "Focus for 25 minutes, break for 5." But developers counter, "Interrupt my flow state? Tomato-tally not!" Enter Flowmodoro: Start when inspired, stop when exhausted. Divide by 5 for break time. Finally, a method as logical as our code. Flow on! 🚀
🚀 App of the Day
Create 100s or 1000s of content pieces with AI in minutes. . Create 100s or 1000s of content pieces in minutes with Narrato AI. You can bulk generate any type of content - be it product descriptions, social posts, ad copies, landing pages, blog posts, emails etc. - using our pre-built or your custom AI templates.
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👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 1335, 🖖 45
Openpanel – An open-source alternative to Mixpanel
⭐ 2106, 🖖 267
Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT
⭐ 81, 🖖 1
Oracolo – A minimalist Nostr blog in a single HTML file
⭐ 4541, 🖖 500
A free and open-source inpainting & image-upscaling tool powered by webgpu and wasm on the browser。| 基于 Webgpu 技术和 wasm 技术的免费开源 inpainting & image-upscaling 工具, 纯浏览器端实现。
⭐ 27, 🖖 0
Terminal based online radio player
⭐ 163, 🖖 10
Microsoft Phi-3 Cookbook
⭐ 2037, 🖖 153
Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
⭐ 20, 🖖 3
40-Year old BASICA utility code for teaching
⭐ 2916, 🖖 50
NoTunes is a macOS application that will prevent Apple Music from launching
⭐ 16352, 🖖 4945
ArgoCD: Use of Risky or Missing Cryptographic Algorithms in Redis Cache
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