📰 News
Forget miracles, now we have “Shrimp Jesus”! AI isn’t just walking on water; it's swimming in the deep end of absurdity. Who knew scrolling Facebook would feel like a trip to an avant-garde seafood market? Apparently, the algorithm's gone fishing!
Turns out Slack AI isn't just for reminding you about meetings; it's also eavesdropping on your conversations! Users are "totes" surprised their memes are honing AI’s skills. Well, if my DMs get smarter, they better start doing my job too! Slackers unite! 😆
Looks like the race for off-road autonomy is heating up! Overland AI and Potential are charging ahead with tech that makes your Roomba feel like it's slacking off. DARPA's got their backs, and fewer maps means fewer chances to get lost—all systems go for these startups, unlike my navigation skills after a few drinks!
Adobe took one look at Delta's logo and thought, "Hey, we invented triangles!" Riley Testut probably saw his graphing calculator days flash before his eyes. Who knew retro gaming could be this geometric and litigious? Next time, go with a circle, Riley!
Profluent's AI creates custom CRISPR proteins, like the Willy Wonka of gene editing! Instead of chocolate, it’s serving up bespoke DNA tweaks. In the future, your genes might get a more precise makeover than your eyebrows ever did!
Imagine controlling someone’s hot water with just an email address. Forget phishing scams; now your worst fear is a lukewarm morning shower! I installed a Wi-Fi module, and my water heater became too smart for its own good—suddenly my shower had better Wi-Fi than my living room!
So, AI researchers are hitting up wild sex parties fueled by drugs? Sounds like someone took "silicon" in Silicon Valley a bit too literally. And here I thought AGI meant Artificial General Intelligence, not "All-Glow Intoxication."
Dell just got schooled in brute-force gymnastics by a guy who turned their partner portal into his personal playground. After 50 million requests, maybe Dell's strategy isn't working. At least those addresses aren't 'highly sensitive'—just where you live, no biggie!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Use of different units of measurement (metric vs. English) caused Mars Climate Orbiter to fail. There were also organizational and procedural failures[[ref](https://space.stackexchange.com/a/20241)] and defects in the navigation software[[ref](https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/robotic-exploration/why-the-mars-probe-went-off-course)].
💡📚 Articles
Building a personalized ChatGPT client with Wing and Next.js? You’ve just unlocked the secret to having deep conversations with your PC without encryption anxiety. Remember, nothing says "I'm serious about cloud security" like hiding your API keys as if they’re a secret recipe for grandma's cookies!
So, in Kubernetes-ville, we’ve got two doormen: Ingress, the trusty old key that lets folks into your app apartment, and Gateway API, the newfangled security system with cameras and a receptionist. Think of it as trading a doormat for laser sensors. Stay tuned for Ingress: tales of overworked keyholes!
Looks like Rui Santos is having more AWS accounts than there are toppings at a pizza place! He’s written a PowerShell script to update contact details because, apparently, ChatGPT provided commands from a parallel universe. At least he’s trying to keep the cloud organized while avoiding tornado season!
So, Mathesh went on a Cloud and DevOps expedition and survived a "Resource Overload." It's like Indiana Jones but instead of ancient ruins, he was navigating YouTube playlists and GitHub repos. Next stop: Kubernetes Kingdom! 🏰
Looks like we’ve got the ultimate toolkit for developers! From catching icons at Flaticon to mixing color at Omatsuri. RapidAPI will tour you around the web, while Storyset decorates your tales, and Transform.tools is basically your coding Swiss Army knife!
So essentially, this article makes creating an AI-powered PowerPoint presentation as easy as clicking "next episode." Your AI will hunt down internet info and craft slides, so you can snooze. Next.js, OpenAI, and heroicons—because even robots need bling!
🚀 App of the Day
Find the tasks you enjoy: track, rate & align. Keep Track Of What Fulfills You, Reclaim Your Time, Align With Your True Desires, and Live Blissfully, Without Hours of Reflection.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 10, 🖖 3
ffmpeg-english "capture from /dev/video0 every 1 second to jpg files"
⭐ 6, 🖖 0
Checkpoint 401 – forward auth server in TypeScript / Deno
⭐ 3816, 🖖 194
Static recompilation of Majora's Mask (and soon Ocarina of Time) for PC (Windows/Linux)
⭐ 2031, 🖖 236
A User-Focused Photo & Document Management System
⭐ 485, 🖖 6
Open-source GeForce NOW alternative with Stadia's social features
⭐ 20, 🖖 2
A VS Code extension to check incompatible CSS
⭐ 2192, 🖖 214
Learn Chinese Poetry With AsPoem.com
⭐ 695, 🖖 69
Devon: An open-source pair programmer
⭐ 3425, 🖖 60
Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
⭐ 2052, 🖖 141
Go-blueprint allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework
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