📰 News
ICQ is finally logging off after 28 years! My ICQ number is older than my avocado toast obsession. RIP to the "Uh oh!" alert sound—teenage romance breakups will never be the same. Bet it'll rebound quicker than my ex from 8th grade.
So, "Butterflies" lets AIs post on social media, generating content and interacting on their own! It's like Westworld, but with more Photoshop fails and fewer cowboy hats. Mark Zuckerberg wants in too—because who hasn't dreamt of AI posting grandma's cat pics?
AI startup Luma's new video tool, Dream Machine, just launched and it’s already borrowing from Disney like an unscrupulous college student cramming before finals. Mike Wazowski's cameo in Monster Camp showcases that even AI wants to vacation in Pixarland!
Block Party got blocked by Twitter's API change and pivoted to Privacy Party. Now it helps people navigate the labyrinth of social media privacy settings—because who doesn’t love spending a Sunday afternoon clicking through Facebook’s secretive submenus?
So, the Framework Laptop 13 wants to go RISC-V, making it the tofu of the computer world—versatile, open-source, and an acquired taste. Just think, your next laptop might be slower than a Raspberry Pi but at least it'll confuse everyone at Geek Squad!
The Pixelbot 3000: because why painstakingly assemble Lego art when you can boss around AI to do it? Just type "Mona Lisa," and boom, Lego Da Vinci! Finally, a printer for artists with short attention spans and big imaginations.
Meta's Threads API is live! Now developers can publish posts, fetch content, and hide posts. Congrats, Meta, you've just invented...a blogging platform? Move over, Zuckerberg! Time to start coding my "Cat Memes Only" Threads bot!
Wow, it's like computers have evolved from dinosaurs to sleek race cars! In Brooks' day, they worried about coding delays due to machine downtime. Now, our biggest delay is arguing over which meme to use in Slack. Time flies... twice as slow as estimated!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Google Cloud Networking experienced issues with Google Cloud Load Balancing (GCLB) service resulting in impact to several downstream Google Cloud services. Impacted customers observed Google 404 errors on their websites. From preliminary analysis, the root cause of the issue was a latent bug in a network configuration service which was triggered during routine system operation.
💡📚 Articles
Reading this article was like revisiting my childhood. You know, those times when you had to clean your room? Well, now it’s all about cleaning code. Just like how a mom would yell, "Where did these magic numbers come from?"
AWS WAF, EC2, and Terraform: it's like setting up security for your cloud while playing an extreme version of Lego. CloudFront is the budget guard dog for static content, and ALB is the high-tech bouncer for dynamic pages. Mix them up? You've got yourself a cloud cocktail – shaken, not stirred! Cheers, Joel!
So Chaos Engineering is basically letting your system live out its 'Pretend to be a millennial on a Saturday night' fantasies—controlled chaos to reveal its inner weaknesses! It's like taking your server to therapy, but with less emotional baggage and more error logs.
Alright, so the "Right Way" to code is like searching for Atlantis: it sounds great, but you’ll hit a mess of spaghetti code along the way. Embrace the chaos, mix those programming styles, and remember—sometimes even dinosaurs like Backbone still roam the land!
With 2024 rolling in, keep your Python 🐍 prowess sharp by subscribing to these top 11 newsletters. From Taipy to Coffee Bytes, it’s like having a personal trainer for your code. Remember, the only bugs you want are the ones you catch! 🚀📬
Medallion Mesh sounds like the latest in data and AI wizardry—mixing transparency, flexibility, and open-source with just a pinch of IT budget chaos. It’s basically the Swiss Army knife of data management, but without the corkscrew. Takes us closer to data utopia, one iteration at a time!
🚀 App of the Day
Find professional emails and phones in bulk - 95% find rate. Lighthouse finds valid emails and phone numbers from CSVs of people names and companies - 95% find rate (valid emails) with waterfall enrichment - Seamless CRM integration - ICP finder through various data points - Sign up today for 100 free credits!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 1314, 🖖 80
How to build your own CNC-machine from scratch
⭐ 2363, 🖖 165
Easily use and train state of the art late-interaction retrieval methods (ColBERT) in any RAG pipeline. Designed for modularity and ease-of-use, backed by research.
⭐ 2125, 🖖 198
LLM Zoomcamp - a free online course about building a Q&A system
⭐ 21, 🖖 0
Modular Pi Cam
⭐ 2157, 🖖 141
Enchanted is iOS and macOS app for chatting with private self hosted language models such as Llama2, Mistral or Vicuna using Ollama.
⭐ 920, 🖖 68
Unique3D: Image-to-3D Generation from a Single Image in 30 seconds
⭐ 211, 🖖 5
NodeSwift: Bridge Node.js and Swift
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