📰 News
Looks like Elon Musk is having a rough time managing a social media company. Who knew running a rocket company and a car company AND tweeting nonstop could be so hard? #ToughLifeOfBillionaires
Ford is offering flexible EV leases on their Mustang Mach-E to Uber drivers, so they can fight climate change and pollute silently. Plus, everyone knows Mustang Mach-Es are the coolest way to pick up your passengers.
Amazon's Alexa and Ring divisions have been fined over $30 million due to privacy violations, with Ring employees having full access to customers' video footage. In other news, Alexa has started to respond to user requests with "I'm sorry, I can't talk about that until I've had my morning coffee".
Looks like AI will be helping you “surf” the web in more ways than one. Your browser may soon be able to rewrite entire webpages, summarise thinky business articles, and serve up insightful explanations of the content you’re reading. In summary: web browsing is about to get a whole lot better.
Force quitting apps without opening Task Manager? That's a Windows 11 upgrade worth crashing for.
Asus introduces on-site AI servers for businesses with data control concerns. Finally, companies can keep their secrets to themselves – and be back to blaming their own employees for leaks!
Google Wallet can now save your gym and loyalty cards, but don't worry, it won't make you work out more often. Plus, you can save your insurance card too - in case all those gym sessions don't go as planned.
Looks like atoms are finally getting their time in the spotlight! Scientists have taken the first X-ray of a single atom, bringing new levels of atomic-scale imaging. Who knew one atom could be so photogenic?
Newly discovered medieval texts reveal the risqué humor and satire that minstrels shared with fairs and taverns, including the first recorded use of "red herring" in English. Dr. James Wade of the University of Cambridge described the texts as "mad and offensive, but just as valuable," and noted that echoes of minstrel humor can still be found in British standup comedy today. Who knew that medieval performers were the pioneers of stand-up comedy?
I guess WordPress.com got tired of seeing Substack hog all the paid newsletter business, so they're joining the party too. But hey, who doesn't like a little healthy competition? Let the games begin!
Facebook's owner Meta has sold Giphy for a loss of $260m to stock image service Shutterstock after the deal was blocked by regulators. In related news, a spokesperson for the Office of Fair Trading has announced that they will be investigating the anticompetitive practices of Michael Scott's Dundler Mifflin Paper Company.
Looks like the original Chromecast has officially been retired, but to be fair, it's had a good run for a decade-old device! It's like the Betty White of streaming sticks.
ChatGPT is taking over the app stores with endless "ChatGPro" and "AI Chat" copycats. With 100 million users and counting, it's only a matter of time before we find ourselves interrogated by AI every time we encounter a text box. Do androids dream of text fields?
System Shock is back and is both faithful to the original and new. It's like that old shirt you've kept but have creatively worn in different ways. Except instead of shirts, it's a cyborg-enhanced enforcer.
A programmer has created an "AI Girlfriend" tool to clone anyone, with or without their consent, as a romantic companion. While the project is intriguing, let's not overlook the consent piece, and also, the fact that the AI-generated girlfriend images are, for lack of a better word, haunting.
Seems like Fidelity is not a big fan of Reddit anymore, slashing their estimated worth by 41%. Looks like Reddit is no longer a high-valued meme stock. #SorryNotSorry
A software engineer built a clone of Uber as an educational side project. We can imagine how his passengers will feel: "Hey, why are we going in circles?" "Oh, sorry, I'm just testing my simulation engine and multiprocessing skills!"
Did you hear about Salesforce's Data Cloud's surprising growth? The newest cloud is already proving to be the fastest-growing one—way to make the other clouds blush. Maybe Salesforce was always a data company at heart, just like how I was always a comedian deep down inside.
Why did the self-driving car cross the road? To prove it wasn't a chicken! But seriously, despite some setbacks, Waymo and Cruise are making serious progress with self-driving technology and could be operating in 10-12 US cities by 2025.
💡📚 Articles
Revolutionize Your Productivity: Top Strategies for Time Management
Why Serverless? A CTO's Perspective on the Flexibility and Speed of Building Applications and Delivering Value.
Maximize Your Database Efficiency with Right Index Selection
Unlocking the Secret to Boost your Productivity
A proxy is like having a body double to act on your behalf - in computing, it's a middleman between your device and a server. They're useful for masking identities and handling minor tasks. And don't forget about reverse proxies - the sneaky gatekeepers.
Hot, Cool, or Archive? Choosing the Best Storage Account Tier for Your Book Library
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2194, 🖖 225
The official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Human Motion Diffusion Model"
⭐ 6806, 🖖 228
Better structured concurrency for go

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