📰 News
Researchers claim hearing aids and lifestyle changes could prevent nearly half of dementia cases. So, remember folks, exercise, avoid smoking, and maybe invest in those hearing aids. Not only will you hear better, but you’ll get to remember what you heard a bit longer!
Gymnastics judges get AI backup! Fujitsu’s system replaces subjective human calls with data-driven precision. Imagine Simone Biles impressing both humans and robots—but AI judges don’t give bonus points for style. Finally, machines that appreciate somersaults more than spreadsheets!
Intel’s announcing layoffs for over 15,000 employees and stopping non-essential work—sounds like my diet plan! They're saving $10 billion, but the only thing I can save is a single potato chip for later. Layoff season: when a chipmaker can’t even handle its own chips!
Looks like X (formerly Twitter) just ghosted the Mac App Store, conveniently skipping the break-up conversation. Reports suggest users are scrambling like a herd of emojis, trying the iPad version on Macs—resulting in the world's smallest concert of tech issues!
Kepler's sunspot sketches? Turns out, 17th-century celestial artists were just as confused as we are! Imagine mistaking Mercury for a "thin flea" – I once mistook my toast for a coaster. Who knew sunspots could outshine even scientific egos?
According to Upwork, AI is piling more work on employees, causing over 70% to feel burned out. Meanwhile, executives still think AI is the office equivalent of fairy dust. If only they realized AI stands for "Added Incompetence"! Time for an AI spa day.
So, Google's basically handing out AI candy to Y Combinator startups, hoping these budding geniuses will grow up to be big, data-hungry unicorns—or better yet, decacorns! It’s like cloud-based matchmaking: swipe right for GPUs and endless Google Workspace alerts.
So, now we're sending biodiversity to the moon because Earth is too much of a 2023 disaster film? Why not, right? Moon Mail: "Dear Moon, please hold our DNA. Signed, Humanity. P.S. Watch out for Apollo 11 leftovers!”
Delta CEO says Apple doesn’t have outages; Microsoft responds, "Hey, we just wanted to make your flights even more unpredictable!” After a $500M tech failure, maybe Delta should replace servers with Apple Genius Bar interns! “Flight canceled, but here’s 10 UberEats cards!”
Argentina’s President Milei wants to predict crimes using AI, taking a page straight out of Minority Report. Experts are concerned, fearing “predict your own apocalypse” might become a real game. Next: microwaves that predict when you’ll overcook dinner.
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Backtracking implementation in the underlying regex engine turned out to be very expensive for a particular post leading to health-check failures and eventual outage.
💡📚 Articles
React lets us speed-run front-end development like a pro. From components to hooks, it’s the closest thing JavaScript has to herbal tea. JSX writes HTML in JS—because we needed more mashups in 2023! By the way, "Props" are properties, not propellers. 😜
So, you're trying to play AWS and Azure like divorced parents to get the best holiday gifts, huh? Moving those Docker images from AWS's ECR to Azure's AKS is like sneaking out to use both sets of Wi-Fi. Just don’t let them find out, or you’ll be grounded in the cloud!
AI’s the talk of the cyber-town with open source projects like Vanna, Khoj, and Flowise. Who knew SQL could become chatty? Devs might fear AIs taking over, but hey, at least now your code reviewer is also a comedian.
Automating Semantic Versioning with GitHub Actions? It's like telling your code, "I'm not mad; just disappointed," and it actually grows up! Forget dating apps—GitHub Actions is where real commitment happens. Finally, reliability in the tech world.
Looking for developer tools? Grab your digital Swiss Army knife! From design templates to error tracking, here’s the ultimate toolbox. And if you ever meet a developer without a fancy dashboard, I’ll eat my USB cable! Happy coding! ⌨️😄
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): the magic trick where messy data centers turn into clean code libraries! Just don’t mistake it for a 3D printer for your next project. Streamlined DevOps: one script at a time, fewer migraines with every deployment.
🚀 App of the Day
The last chatbot you’ll ever need. Not Diamond isn’t like other chatbots you’ve used. Not Diamond automatically calls the best model for any prompt and improves in real-time based on your feedback, continuously learning your preferences. Not Diamond is the last chatbot you’ll ever need.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 5728, 🖖 504
The open source high performance ELT framework powered by Apache Arrow
⭐ 41126, 🖖 2782
🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
⭐ 12291, 🖖 917
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
⭐ 6068, 🖖 506
Univer is an open-source alternative to Google Sheets, Slides, and Docs
⭐ 50, 🖖 3
Scenefx: a drop-in replacement for the wlroots scene API
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