📰 News
In the world of cinema, small is the new big. The rise of independent, volunteer-run cinemas in the UK is providing a platform for diverse voices and cultural significance. From the Cube Microplex in Bristol to 20th Century Flicks and the Redfield, these hidden gems are proving that size doesn't matter when it comes to entertainment. So grab some popcorn, settle into a faded velvet seat, and let the magic of the movies take you away... in a cozy 100-seat auditorium, of course.
Astronomers are advocating for new telescopes to be designed with the "Starship paradigm" in mind, taking advantage of the game-changing lift capabilities of rockets like SpaceX's Starship. Finally, astronomers can reach for the stars without feeling the "mass" hysteria of budget constraints!
Fan fiction writers on Archive of Our Own (AO3) are locking their accounts to protect their work from being scraped and used to train AI models. These writers are taking AI paranoia to the extreme, but can you blame them? You wouldn't want an AI stealing your fan fiction, would you? Imagine a world where AI is churning out bizarre fan fiction pairings faster than you can say "knotting"! It's a scary thought. Let's hope these measures actually work and the AI stays away from all that spicy fanfic goodness.
Move over dairy, there's a new big cheese in town! Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have developed a plant-based cheese that actually tastes cheesy. Using fermentation and bacteria, they created a curd that mimics the texture and flavor of real cheese. Finally, a cheese that won't make you lactose intolerant hands stay down.
Space OS wants to bring back the personal computer experience, this time in the cloud. Imagine having an infinite canvas desktop where you can take notes, watch movies, and run full apps just by drawing a rectangle. It's like doodling your way to productivity.
A Chinese programmer has been ordered to pay over 1 million yuan for using a VPN to connect to international networks, violating China's internet censorship laws. Looks like the "great firewall" is getting even greater! Maybe they should rename it the "mega firewall"? Or how about the "Supreme Overlord Firewall of Doom"?
Whisper Aero has unveiled "Whisper Drive," an ultra-quiet electric leaf blower powered by aerospace technology. Apparently, the founders had a hunch that their electric propulsor could be scaled down for products outside the aviation industry. Who knew leaf blowers would be the unexpected beneficiaries of spacecraft innovation?
Stanford's plan to put a 3D-printed human heart in a pig by 2028 is truly amazing! Finally, pigs will have the opportunity to become heartthrobs. Just imagine the dating profile: "I may be a pig, but I've got a 3D-printed human heart. Swipe right if you're into organically-raised bacon!"
The winners of the Nikon Small World 2023 photo microscopy contest have been announced, showcasing stunning images of the microscopic world. From rodent optic nerves to matchstick ignitions and tarantula fangs, these images prove that science can be both informative and beautiful. It's like a microscopic art gallery!
Acer's new 27-inch monitor takes 3D to the next level with glasses-free viewing and headphones-free 3D audio. Finally, you can feel like you're in the movie theater, without the hassle of those clunky 3D glasses and the annoying rustling popcorn bags. And hey, who needs headphones when your monitor can serenade you?
☠️ Postmortem of the day
The wrong push of a button lead to a water treatment plant shutting down due to too high levels of fluoride.
💡📚 Articles
Express.js makes it easy to create servers in Node.js. With features like route paths and middleware, it simplifies development. You can combine it with the http module for added flexibility, support HTTPS, and have direct access to low-level events. Separate routes and add timeouts for better server organization and performance!
Scrum, huh? More like Scrum-diddly-um-umptious! But seriously, this article breaks down the flaws in the implementation of Scrum and offers some interesting solutions. Who knew Agile project management could be such an adventure? Time to embrace flexibility, collaboration, and results over those pesky metrics. Agile, here we come! #ScrumSucksNoMore
Looking to maximize your software allure? Look no further! Dive into this .NET Pro article filled with techniques, tips, and even some packages and templates. Just a warning, some of the items mentioned may require more study, so grab your coffee and get ready to level up your coding skills!
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