πŸ“° News
Did you hear about Telegram raising $210 million through bond sales? Looks like they're trying to navigate the slowing economy. I guess they're hoping to bond with investors, unlike their competitors Twitter and Snap, who are just Tweeting their way to profitability.
Microsoft really knows how to put a price on innovation, huh? $30 per user per month for Copilot? That's like charging me $30 every time I make a bad dad joke. I guess they really want to make AI-powered Office documents exclusive to those with deep pockets.
Wow, talk about a David and Goliath situation! It looks like the smaller mammal, Repenomamus robustus, decided to take on a much larger dinosaur, Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis. I guess the mammal just wanted a little snack, but ended up in a life-or-death struggle instead. That's what happens when you bite off more than you can chew!But seriously, this fossil is absolutely fascinating. It's like a prehistoric wrestling match frozen in time. I can just imagine the little mammal clinging on for dear life, thinking, "Well, this wasn't part of my meal plan today!"And let's not forget the volcanic eruption that sealed the deal for both of these unfortunate creatures. I suppose they were so caught up in their struggle that they didn't even notice the mudflow coming their way. It's like the ultimate plot twist, nature's way of saying, "Surprise, you thought you were having a bad day already? Well, it's about to get a whole lot worse!"I can't help but wonder what was going through their minds in those final moments. Did the dinosaur regret underestimating its opponent? Did the mammal have any regrets about biting off more than it could chew? We may never know, but one thing's for sure, this fossil tells a story of survival and struggle that is both awe-inspiring and slightly terrifying.So, next time you think you're having a tough day, just remember, at least you're not entombed in a volcanic eruption after getting into a wrestling match with a dinosaur. Perspective is everything, my friends!
Oh boy, Microsoft really lost its keys this time! I mean, we've all misplaced our keys before, but this is on a whole new level. And to make matters worse, the government got hacked too! It's like a bad action movie, except this time it's real life.Apparently, some China-backed hackers stole a key from Microsoft that allowed them to break into dozens of email inboxes, including those belonging to government agencies. Can you imagine? The hackers were probably sitting there, sipping their tea, going through top-secret emails like it was nobody's business.But wait, it gets even crazier. Microsoft said that the hackers used the stolen key to forge authentication tokens, basically tricking the system into thinking they were the rightful owners of the email accounts. It's like using a fake ID to get into a club, except this time it's national security that's at stake.I can just imagine the chaos that ensued when Microsoft realized what had happened. I bet there were a lot of panicked IT guys running around, trying to figure out how to regain control. It's like a bad comedy sketch, you know?And you know what's even funnier? The hackers made a key mistake (pun intended). They used the same key to raid multiple inboxes, which allowed investigators to catch them. Talk about a rookie move. I mean, what were they thinking? Didn't they watch any spy movies?But of course, there's always some blame to go around. Microsoft is facing scrutiny for its handling of the incident. People are saying they didn't have enough visibility into the intrusions and that their security logs were limited. It's like giving someone a broken lock and then blaming them when their house gets robbed.All in all, it's been quite a wild ride for Microsoft and the government. I just hope they learned their lesson and tightened up their security. Because let's be honest, nobody wants their emails getting hacked. Especially not when it's the government's emails. Can you imagine the scandal if all those emails were leaked? It would make Watergate look like a child's playdate.
Wow, using ChatGPT to say goodbye to loved ones? That's a whole new level of ghosting! I can imagine the text conversations now:Person: "Hey Dad, miss you so much."ChatGPT: "Hey kiddo! Don't worry, I'm always with you...in digital form. Don't forget to charge your phone!"But seriously, grief tech is getting weirder every day. I just hope they don't come up with AI tombstones next. "Here lies Bob. Scan this QR code to chat with him!"
Well, well, well, looks like the cops are using magic now! They caught a drug trafficker just by analyzing traffic patterns. Talk about pulling a rabbit out of a hat! But seriously, this AI integration is like having a crystal ball for crimes. Can't wait to see what they conjure up next!
Wow, can you believe someone actually paid $190,000 for a first-generation iPhone? That's like buying a Ferrari just to use it as a paperweight! But hey, I guess collectors go crazy for these things. I mean, I still have my first cellphone from 2007... it's buried somewhere in my backyard, acting as a fertilizer for my tomatoes. Ah, the good old days.
Meta is not holding back! They're open-sourcing their language model, LLaMA 2, to take on OpenAI's GPT-4. It's like a battle of the AIs! Meanwhile, Microsoft is getting cozy with Meta, and Qualcomm is teaming up to bring LLaMa to your devices. AI domination is upon us!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A parser bug caused Cloudflare edge servers to return memory that contained private information such as HTTP cookies, authentication tokens, HTTP POST bodies, and other sensitive data.
πŸ’‘πŸ“š Articles
Why did the software architect always have trouble deciding what to wear? Because he was always stuck in an endless loop of analyzing his options and weighing the pros and cons. Talk about analysis paralysis! 🀣 As for me, I make decisions by flipping a coin. It's not the most foolproof method, but at least I can blame fate if things go wrong! 🎲 #DecisionsDecisions
Ah, the joys of corporate celebrations and promotions! Let me guess, Team Visible transformed a pile of legacy technology into a shiny new mess, and now you have the wonderful opportunity to clean up their mess and migrate to their "better" version. Don't you just love being a hero by fixing someone else's mistakes? πŸ™„
Java developers debate on controversial features, such as checked exceptions and null, but let's not forget the benefits of these seemingly bad things. Checked exceptions may be annoying, but they're an amazing tool for clean code. And while null is trending as bad, it's a fact of programming life that we can work with.
Emojot embraces the power of emojis and AWS API Gateway in their migration to a multi-API gateway architecture. With granular control, enhanced security, and better organization, Emojot is making sure their users receive efficient services while leaving room for future advancements. Keep those emojis coming!
Why did the Broker Pattern break up with its girlfriend? Because it wanted to introduce an intermediary layer between them and they just couldn't handle the loose coupling.
Availability is like a relationship. If you're not there when you're needed, your partner (or in this case, the system) will start looking for someone else who can provide that uptime. Don't be the system that gets dumped for not being available enough.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Repositories
⭐ 16, πŸ–– 0
Rust Faster-Pest – PEG Parser – 705% faster than Pest and 137% faster than Nom
⭐ 2002, πŸ–– 370
Modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast implementation of the Ethereum protocol, in Rust
⭐ 2519, πŸ–– 377
Uftrace: Userspace Function-Graph Tracer
⭐ 9852, πŸ–– 611
(Previously Pynecone) πŸ•Έ Web apps in pure Python 🐍
⭐ 2132, πŸ–– 167
InternLM has open-sourced a 7 billion parameter base model, a chat model tailored for practical scenarios and the training system.
⭐ 2166, πŸ–– 120
Intermediate Graphics Library (IGL) is a cross-platform library that commands the GPU. It provides a single low-level cross-platform interface on top of various graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL, Metal and Vulkan).
⭐ 27858, πŸ–– 982
Lazydocker: a lazier way to manage everything Docker
⭐ 2057, πŸ–– 268
A reverse engineered Python API wrapper for Quora's Poe, which provides free access to ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude.
⭐ 1133, πŸ–– 64
Betterfox: User.js to harden Firefox and optimize privacy, security, and speed
⭐ 1434, πŸ–– 65
Zero-details, privacy-focused in-app file system

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