📰 News
Lungfish: the hoarders of the animal kingdom! With genomes 30 times larger than ours, they’ve been collecting junk DNA for 200 million years. Guess who’s no longer winning the “collecting clutter” competition? Sorry, great aunt Mildred—your attic's got nothing on this fish.
Ah, the Romans, masters of engineering and... colossal DIY fails? Turns out, even they had their "Oops, wrong hole!" moments. A well that caved in on itself? Sounds like Ancient Rome's version of dropping your phone in the toilet.
Mark Zuckerberg is reviving Roman traditions by commissioning a 7ft statue of his wife, Priscilla Chan. Critics are torn: is it sweet homage or billionaire art flex? Either way, guess who’s officially banned from forgetting anniversaries now!
Here's one for the history books: an AI-made song about immigrants hits Germany's Top 50! Critics can’t decide if the artist Butterbro is skewering stereotypes or just creating them. So, basically, it’s the musical equivalent of trying to text with autocorrect off—risky business! 🌭
Forget Socrates—turns out your dog is the real philosopher! Why ponder the meaning of life when you can just wag your tail and chase iguanas? Shadow’s wisdom: drool over the small joys, and leave the existential crises in the litter box.
Soon, Ikea's new stock-counting drones will be flying through warehouses in Maryland. Finally, something to keep an eye on those mysterious "missing" meatballs. Just imagine explaining to your boss that you were outperformed by a flat-pack drone named Björn!
Alain Delon, the epitome of French cool, just left the world stage at 88. Known for roles as smooth criminals and heart-throbs, he had a career juicier than a croissant. Even his dog Loubo is mourning—bet he's barking in French!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Having a system that requires scheduled manual updates resulted in an error which caused US customers to be unable to scale, stop or restart dynos, or route HTTP traffic, and also prevented all customers from being able to deploy.
💡📚 Articles
Encountering that "externally-managed-environment" error with pip? It's like trying to cook in someone else's kitchen—without permission! Fix it by creating a virtual environment, or add `--break-system-packages` to your command. So rebellious, yet so effective!
Day 22 of Open Source Alternatives: Discover Dub.co, the Bit.ly of the DIY world! Short links, powerful analytics, and QR codes galore! Who knew URL snipping could make you feel like a marketing magician? Link long, prosper short!
Wow, that interview experience sounds like a mix of "Survivor" and a coding bootcamp! First, you endure the MCQ gauntlet, then build a newspaper-throne for a marble—a 'Game of Phones.' And the final boss? HR questions so deep, you start questioning your existence!
Being an engineering manager is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle—except with more code reviews. You’re a gatekeeper, family doctor, and counselor, all while managing tech debt and advocating for stressed engineers. No pressure, right?
🚀 App of the Day
💻 DeskHub
The habit teacher for devs using GitHub. DeskHub is the first device that brings your GitHub contribution graph to the real world! Developers that commit daily learn more, ship more, and earn more.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 23083, 🖖 1517
Hey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol 🌿
⭐ 3567, 🖖 332
Primary Block Lists
⭐ 8374, 🖖 532
Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management.
⭐ 4279, 🖖 685
Multi-purpose serial data visualization & processing program
⭐ 4105, 🖖 292
An open-source, cloud-native, unified time series database for metrics, logs and events with SQL/PromQL supported. Available on GreptimeCloud.
🧩 Puzzle of the Day
🛗 The Man in the Elevator Puzzle
A man who lives on the tenth floor of a building takes the elevator every day to go down to the ground floor to go to work or to go shopping.
When he returns in the evening, he takes the elevator to the seventh floor and walks up the stairs to the tenth floor to reach his apartment.

Why does he do this?
Note that if it’s a rainy day, or if there are other people in the elevator, he goes to his floor directly. Also, he hates walking.
🗝️ Last Puzzle Solution
🏨 The Infinite Hotel paradox
The puzzle from ISSUE-386 ↗️
Here's how to accommodate all the new guests:

1. Ask each current guest to move to the room number that is double their current room number.
- Guest in room 1 moves to room 2
- Guest in room 2 moves to room 4
- Guest in room 3 moves to room 6
- And so on...

2. This leaves all odd-numbered rooms vacant:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...

3. Now, assign each new guest to the odd-numbered room that corresponds to their sign:
- Guest with sign 1 goes to room 1
- Guest with sign 2 goes to room 3
- Guest with sign 3 goes to room 5
- And so on...

This solution works because:

1. Every current guest has a new room: If a guest was in room n, they're now in room 2n.
2. Every new guest has a room: If a new guest has sign k, they go to room 2k - 1.
3. No two guests share a room: Current guests are in even-numbered rooms, new guests in odd-numbered rooms.
4. Every room is used: For any room number m,
- If m is even, it's occupied by the guest originally in room m/2
- If m is odd, it's occupied by the new guest with sign (m+1)/2
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