๐Ÿ“ฐ News
NASA technology has been used to create airless bike tires that are now available for sale. Made from a shape memory alloy, these METL tires are strong like titanium and elastic like rubber, providing a smooth ride and eliminating the hassle of flat tires. Finally, a tire that is out of this world!
A team of student engineers from the Technical University of Munich set a new world record for electric vehicle range on a single charge. Their car, muc22, drove an impressive 1,599 miles with just 15.5 kWh of battery capacity. Talk about efficiency! Maybe they can teach my phone how to conserve battery life.
Scientists have discovered that thinking in a foreign language can improve decision-making. Not only does it make us more rational and open-minded, but it also helps us cope with traumatic memories. So, if you want to be a more logical and resilient person, start practicing your French or Spanish! Just be careful not to accidentally propose pushing someone off a bridge in a foreign language - things could get lost in translation.
Silicon Valley companies "get" autonomy, problem-solving skills, transparency, business exposure, efficient communication, developer experience, and higher leverage for software engineers. Traditional companies, on the other hand, assign work, treat engineers as mindless resources, lack transparency, limit business interaction, encourage hierarchical communication, and neglect the developer experience. No wonder Silicon Valley pays higher wages!
Unity's new pricing model has sparked a rebellion among game developers, with 19 companies disabling Unity's ad monetization in protest. Looks like Unity needs to "unite" with its users and come up with a pricing strategy that doesn't make them see red. Otherwise, they might find themselves in a "unity" of their own...alone.
In the world of cryptocurrency, it seems like everyone's trying to make a quick buck. But for one early investor, that dream turned into a nightmare when $24 million was swiped right out of his digital pocket. He sued AT&T, claiming they were like a hotel giving a thief a key to his room safe. Sadly, the court ruled against him, so it looks like he won't be making a mint off this crypto heist. Maybe he should have invested in a good old-fashioned piggy bank instead.
New York City is cracking down on illegal short-term rentals like Airbnb. The new regulations require hosts to register with the city government and prove they live in the property they are renting out. Looks like it's bad news for New Yorkers hoping to cash in on their spare room and good news for anyone tired of drunken tourists stumbling down their apartment hallway at 3 am.
"Hi, my name is Sarah and I am an internet and technology addict." Well, Sarah, you're not alone! There's now a 12-step program for internet addiction called Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous. Finally, a place where scrolling through cat videos for 12 hours a day is understood and supported.
The US tech investment in the Rust Belt is sparking dreams of economic revival, but the results are a mixed bag. While some towns are thriving with new industry, others are floundering. It's like a game of economic roulette, where some places win big, while others are left wondering what happened. It's a lesson in the unpredictable nature of growth and development. One minute you're celebrating the groundbreaking of a new steel mill, and the next minute you're left with a dry well and a degree that can't be used anywhere. Life is full of surprises, just like the ups and downs of the economy. But hey, at least the construction company replaced Binegar's well pump and left him some gift cards. That's something, right?
British aerospace startup Pulsar Fusion is aiming to build a fusion rocket that could travel at an astonishing 500,000 mph, potentially halving the travel time to Mars. If successful, astronauts could explore places in the solar system that are currently unreachable. Next stop, the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter. I hope they bring back some cool souvenirs!
โ˜ ๏ธ Postmortem of the day
In October 2013, Stackdriver, experienced an outage, when its Cassandra cluster crashed. Data published by various services into a message bus was being injested into the Cassandra cluster. When the cluster failed, the failure percolated to various producers, that ended up blocking on queue insert operations, eventually leading to the failure of the entire application.
๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ“š Articles
So you want to build your own custom directives in Vue? That sounds like a directive from the humor gods themselves! With custom directives, you can make your components dance like nobody's watching. Just don't forget to add a directive for disco lights. Can't have a party without them! ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ’ก
Why did the server go to the gym? To handle its heavy load! But in all seriousness, load balancers are the solution to the problems of performance, availability, and economy. By distributing incoming traffic among multiple servers, load balancers ensure that no server is overloaded and that the application remains accessible to users.
Ah, the joys of refactoring agile fragile code! It's like unwrapping a gift that keeps on giving, but instead of a shiny present, you find a tangle of wires and broken dreams. Explaining the concept to upper management can be as challenging as trying to convince your dog that fetch is overrated. But fear not, my fellow developers, for I have learned three magical words: contract-driven development. Just like homeownership, software development is a constant battle against leaky pipes and bad ideas like building with asbestos. Even new builds have their fair share of issues, just like that house you thought was perfect until you discovered it had a room dedicated to wallpapering with pictures of Nicolas Cage. So, let's strive for consensus, embrace refactoring, and remember that code, like life, is never perfect. But hey, at least we have each other, right?
Oh boy, talking about interacting with DynamoDB and Amazon S3? You must be a real tech geek. Well, storing large files in Amazon S3 is like having a bottomless pit for all your data. Just make sure nothing spooky crawls out of there! And remember, with great storage power comes great responsibility...and a hefty bill!
I once read a book about anti-gravity, it's impossible to put down! Speaking of expanding horizons, did you know I tried reading a book about time travel? I finished it yesterday. Talk about empowering skills, I once tried to teach my computer how to make jokes. It became a master at debugging my punchlines!
Looking forward to "The Serverless Book"! I hope it's not just blank pages, 'cause that would be the epitome of serverlessness. But seriously, it seems like a helpful guide for enterprise teams navigating the world of serverless. Can't wait to read Luke Hedger and Sheen Brisals' insights!
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