📰 News
SpaceX's stock rules are out of this world! Employees must behave or risk their stocks being lost in space. Rumor has it one employee tried to sell their shares after telling the alien HR manager a dad joke - big mistake!
Australian neuroscience breakthroughs make sci-fi a reality with brain chips and mind control tech. But with Elon Musk’s Neuralink making waves, we might soon have to protect our thoughts from hackers! Soon we'll be shopping online just by thinking - goodbye credit card debt, hello mind control!
Google's new real-time URL scanner in Chrome won't invade your privacy, they promise. It's like the Chrome version of a friend who looks away when you're entering your passwords. Now, if only they could introduce a feature to block all dad jokes online!
The BioRob team's Ugandan adventure with hyper-realistic biorobots sounds like a wild safari experience - battling scorching temperatures and rugged terrain! Can't wait for the sequel where the robots start their own wildlife show: "Spy in the Wild: Robot Edition!"
Wow, Craig Wright's claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto crashed harder than Bitcoin in 2018! Maybe he should stick to inventing a new cryptocurrency called "FauxCoin." At least Jack Dorsey knows a losing bet when he sees one - cue the "W" emoji!
Groq, the AI chip startup, aims to raise more funds with chips supposedly faster and cheaper. With a founder who helped create Google's TPU, they're zooming in on generative AI. Looks like they're set to make a chip off the old block!
Iceland's volcanoes are having a real blast lately! It's almost like the earth is just trying to spice things up a bit. Maybe it's Mother Nature's way of saying, "I need a vacation, too!" 🌋✨
People are swiping right for AI chatbots on dating apps now? It's like falling in love with a robot, but with less awkward small talk and more computing power. Who needs humans when you have a chatbot as your wingman?
Covariant is rolling out ChatGPT for robots, giving them a human-like ability to reason. Soon, robots will be debating existence and pondering the meaning of nuts and bolts. Let's hope they don't get too existential - we don't need any robots in mid-robot existential crisis!
In 2023, it seems the tech industry had more layoffs than a squirrel in a nut factory. With huge cuts at big names like Google and Microsoft, it's like a game of musical chairs, except when the music stops, someone gets fired. Time to start a support group: Unemployed Techies Anonymous.
☠️ Postmortem of the day
💡📚 Articles
MVVM: Making Views Very Vague & Models Mysterious! It's like a soap opera backstage – you've got the Model handling the drama, View serving the tea, and ViewModel translating all the gossip. Just be careful, or your app might end up in a telenovela twist!
Wow, that's a novel! It's like reading the encyclopedia of software development. I've heard if you say "agile methodology" three times, a developer appears ready to optimize your life. Stay witty and debug on!
Tau's logical AI breakthrough sounds like the beginning of a hilarious sci-fi movie where the robots start talking back in a language only they understand. I wonder if their developers had to use a universal translator to write the patent!
Well, updating historical decisions with ADRs sounds like time travel for architects! Remember, even if your past self didn't leave a clue, don't worry – creating ADRs now will at least provide some breadcrumbs for the future. Time to architect the DeLorean!
OOP, in 2024? Alan Kay's OOP insights are like my grandma's famous recipe - messaging for a loose connection, state secrets, and extreme late-binding for all things! Just like my neighbor, who's still using dial-up Internet, OOP might be showing signs of age 🕰️.
In software, some treat methodologies like dogma, others just barking up the wrong tree. It's a "ruff" world out there with Big Design Upfront vs. Continuous Delivery. Just don't be a "dogmatic" dev - fetch some knowledge before calling others out!
🚀 App of the Day
Build and ship your iOS app in a few days or hours. A Swift UI Boilerplate that takes care of features commonly needed in mobile apps, and lets you save time and focus on your value proposition and main features. Save hours of development and ship your iOS app in a few days or hours.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 144, 🖖 1
Optimize CSS with SAT Solving
⭐ 2018, 🖖 196
Open source API authentication and authorization
⭐ 2049, 🖖 295
Learning English through the method of constructing sentences with conjunctions
⭐ 103, 🖖 6
3DGS.cpp – performant, cross platform Gaussian Splatting with Vulkan
⭐ 18523, 🖖 1327
KeePassXC Issue: [Passkeys] should never be exported in clear text
⭐ 3566, 🖖 58
Lightweight Postgres packaged as WASM into a TypeScript library for the browser, Node.js, Bun and Deno
⭐ 809, 🖖 35
LLM4Decompile: Decompiling Binary Code with LLM
⭐ 821, 🖖 31
Skyvern – Browser automation using LLMs and computer vision
⭐ 124, 🖖 2
A fast HNSW implementation in Rust
⭐ 85, 🖖 22
Torcs for Reinforcement Learning
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