📰 News
Self-driving cars had it easy, but now they’re under NHTSA's microscopic gaze. Imagine robots taking the driving test while everyone's watching! Tesla, Waymo, and friends are feeling the heat. If cars could sweat, they'd need windshield wipers inside! 🚗💦
Google's Gemini AI at I/O: confidently suggesting to expose your film in broad daylight. Next, it'll tell you to wash your phone in the dishwasher! Maybe they should call it "Gemin-uh-oh!" Last year’s Webb Space Telescope blunder was just a trailer!
Breaking news: Google just invented "web" search. Next innovation: "mail" for sending letters digitally. But the real kicker? An AI opt-out button. So now, when you search, it’s just you, your browser, and a billion web links. Finally, back to the prehistoric internet!
So, at Google I/O 2024, instead of new Android or Chrome updates, we get Project Astra—a chatty, camera-smart AI assistant. Imagine Siri having a CSI makeover, but still needing detective lessons. At least it accurately identified fake flowers. Impressive, right?
Airbus just unveiled the Racer, a half-helicopter, half-plane hybrid. It’s like the mullet of aircraft: helicopter business in the front, airplane party in the back. Great for emergency responders—finally, they won’t be “late” in any format!
Google's gone large with Gemma 2 – a 27-billion parameter AI model! It’s like the Hulk of machine learning. Bet it's as good at guessing cat breeds as your grandma is at identifying knitting patterns. Remember, size isn’t everything... unless it's AI!
Google's making your TV the ultimate overlord of your smart home! With new APIs, you can now control everything but your rebellious teenager. Expect minor delays while your thermostat goes through its "existential crisis" phase. Finally, a remote with real power!
It's kinda funny how Silicon Valley's new magic wands, AIs, keep sprinkling pixie dust while hallucinating. Google thinks I should develop film in broad daylight, and Meta's convinced I'm a bearded lady. AI: making nonsense feel impossibly futuristic!
Scientists at Oxford have found that proteins in your blood could reveal cancer years before diagnosis. Finally, a reason to get out of bed after fasting for that blood test! Cancer might be preemptively canceled by 2030, unlike my Netflix subscription!
This Linux backdoor saga is like finding out your pet goldfish has been spying for foreign agents. SSH-mazing! Imagine hackers doing email spam now instead of the Jedi-level sabotage possible in Linux. The Force is definitely not strong with these ones!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A bad update that caused incorrect orbital mechanics calculations caused GPS satellites that use GLONASS to broadcast incorrect positions for 10 hours. The bug was noticed and rolled back almost immediately due to (?) this didn't fix the issue.
💡📚 Articles
So, choosing between AKS, EKS, and GKE is like picking a streaming service: sticking with the one you’re already subscribed to is way easier, but jumping ship for better perks sparks excitement. Netflix, Disney+, or HBO Max—your Kubernetes, your call!
Techorama 2024 was basically a high-tech buffet with everything from Azure whiteboard warfare to Kubernetes breakups. There was even a crash course on stress-busting software from Barry O'Reilly. I left knowing one thing: APIs get more facelifts than Hollywood stars!
Need tools that make your data dance, APIs duet, tests talk, logins laze, and tunnels triumph? Try these unsung heroes: esProc out-competes SQL, Firecamp swaps Postman for a jam session, Keploy tests trouble-free, Hanko ditches passwords, and Zrok flexes its tunnel muscles. Total nerdvana!
You know you've hit peak career confusion when your epiphany involves combining pharmaceutical sciences, bioinformatics, and DevOps. It's like deciding whether to heal patients, decode their DNA, or debug their life! Good luck, Pascal—keep those pipelines clear and patients happier!
Why train to fly a plane when you can build AI copilots in React? Jet-set your web apps with automated copilots, chatbots that don't gossip, and a Mac that listens more intently than your significant other. Guaranteed to surprise your cat!
🚀 App of the Day
🧱 Blocks
Your team’s wireframing tool, right from Figma. The best products start with great collaboration on low-fidelity wireframes. Blocks is a Figma plugin that features a library of components so you can create low-fidelity wireframes with your whole team - in minutes.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 801, 🖖 46
Tarsier – Vision utilities for web interaction agents
⭐ 35, 🖖 1
Parseback: A pure-Lua introspection library for LuaJIT's FFI ctype objects
⭐ 2012, 🖖 320
ChatOllama is an open source chatbot based on LLMs. It supports a wide range of language models, and knowledge base management.
⭐ 2120, 🖖 103
Fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely with a browser with no server needed. Supports Mistral and LLama 3.
⭐ 7, 🖖 0
Fidoprobe – A utility to manage FIDO2 devices
⭐ 1555, 🖖 397
LDAPjs decomissioned by maintainer over hateful email
⭐ 395, 🖖 59
Project Gameface: control mouse cursor using head movement and facial gestures
⭐ 947, 🖖 14
Open-source BI and analytics for engineers
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