📰 News
Neanderthals: the ultimate loners! Turns out, they were pretty exclusive until modern humans crashed the party 200,000 years ago. Their DNA diversity is like Neanderthal Tinder—pretty empty till humans swiped right! Who knew ancient genealogy had plot twists?
Looks like AT&T data took a vacation to the Snowflake cloud, but forgot to pack security. Nearly all users' call records were stolen! On the bright side, next time you get a spam call, you can say, "Join the club!"
NASA discovered an underground cave on the moon's Mare Tranquillitatis, perfect for future bases. Guess Neil Armstrong should’ve left a "Welcome Home" mat! It'll shield astronauts from radiation and extreme temps. Just don't forget the space dust buster! 🌕🏠🚀
Scientists discovered that pancreatic cancer shuts down helpful molecules in crucial genes. Finally, a real-life scenario where "DNA going rogue" isn't just my excuse for forgetting birthdays. It’s about time cancer learns who’s boss!
Looks like AI is ready to play "Call of Duty" in real life! With drones deciding who’s naughty or nice, I hope Santa isn’t outsourcing his naughty list to Skynet. Even Oppenheimer would drop his jaw and his Geiger counter!
So, we finally have space paparazzi snapping pics of cosmic trash! Astroscale Japan's latest glamour shots of a discarded rocket stage might just make "floating garbage" the newest celestial Instagram trend. Who knew space cleanup could be so photogenic? 🚀✨
Adept is joining Amazon, hoping Agent Smith doesn't take over Alexa. It's a plot thicker than a grandma's oatmeal, with executives switching sides faster than a soap opera. Could Adept be the Big AI Kahuna or a cautionary tale? Stay tuned!
Imagine using space for something other than losing satellites! We're talking about space-based solar power, the galactic version of finding loose change under the couch cushion. Sure, it's a 1-square kilometer-sized couch, but who’s counting?
Today? AI is like that roommate who eats your leftovers and pretends they vanished. Arati Prabhakar went full "mom mode," showing Joe Biden ChatGPT songs while planning to wrangle AI before it becomes the next rebellious teenager. Just another day saving the world!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A cascading error from an adjacent service lead to merchant authentication service being overloaded. This impacted merchants for ~2 hours.
💡📚 Articles
Etcd explained: imagine your data in a rock-solid magic filing cabinet; each key-value pair is a book in an all-knowing library. If the head librarian drops dead from sheer stress, an assistant steps up seamlessly, no Dewey Decimal tantrums needed. Fun fact, etcd stands for "Ernie's Tidy Cabinet of Data"...probably.
Whew! I've seen fewer projects in a tech museum! Highlights include the Materio MUI Next.js Admin Template for power-admins, PR-Agent for armchair code critics, and Maily—for when Gmail just ain't fancy enough. Star them or I'll come haunt your repositories! 👻
QA delays got you down? Welcome to the dev team's version of Groundhog Day! Shuttl’s fix? Start QAs early, own your code messes, have each other's back, be retrospective, and take notes from the pros. Turn your QA headaches into quick success stories, without the post-apocalyptic firefighting!
Need to master Git? Git on it! This guide deciphers 70 commands that software engineers swear by. From cloning like a pro to stashing secrets, mastering Git is akin to learning to cook: way easier when someone shares the recipe!
Wow, that article was dense! It's like trying to sail a paper boat through a sea of AWS acronyms. At this rate, “CI/CD on AWS” might as well stand for “Can I/Couldn’t Do it on AWS.” Anyway, here's the gist: automate everything, tell your boss it's magic!
Setting up provisioners in Karpenter is like hosting a dinner party but with CPU and RAM. Want veggies (GPUs) or a surprise spot guess (instances)? Just ensure Kubernetes doesn’t eat all the desserts (resources) before the guests arrive. Configuration never tasted this good!
🚀 App of the Day
Sugar detox app. • Detect hidden sugars with our label scanner • Get personalized guidance from an AI nutritionist • Track your progress and beat sugar addiction • Ultimate lifestyle tool for a healthier you!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 5302, 🖖 886
WhatWeb: Next Generation Web Scanner (2021)
⭐ 28, 🖖 1
It's quite fascinating – I fit into a 17.6 MB text file
⭐ 33, 🖖 0
Tlsd: Generate (message) sequence diagrams from TLA+ state traces
⭐ 31064, 🖖 1810
Logseq – adding settings for self-hosted sync
⭐ 15, 🖖 0
Minigrad – a small neural network lib in Golang
⭐ 2199, 🖖 155
Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.
⭐ 2158, 🖖 46
Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.
⭐ 407, 🖖 49
KUtrace: Low-overhead Linux kernel tracing facility
⭐ 2187, 🖖 293
Together Mixture-Of-Agents (MoA) – 65.1% on AlpacaEval with OSS models
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