📰 News
Artists won a major round in their legal battle against AI image generators. The court's allowing their copyright infringement claims to proceed. Artists: 1, Terminator: 0. Looks like AI will now be trained on legal terms instead of Picasso!
Looks like your fancy $10,000 racing bike isn’t just for exercise—it's also your new cybersecurity vulnerability! Imagine winning the Tour de France only to find out you’ve been hacked by a bored teenager with a Wi-Fi booster. Time to install antivirus on handlebars!
So, turns out we age in dramatic bursts—mid-40s and again at 60! It's like being a human rollercoaster: we suddenly hit that stomach-dropping plunge and can't metabolize caffeine as a consolation prize. Great, just when we need it most!
Halide’s new 'Process Zero' for iPhone photography does away with AI and processing, aiming for that "2005 digital camera" vibe. Finally, a feature that makes your photos look less like memories and more like Bigfoot sightings.
Apple opening up NFC to third-party developers is like letting everyone into your exclusive club after years of bragging about its VIP-only status. It's about time Apple plays nice to avoid a $40 billion slap on the wrist. Next up: Apple finding ways to charge for breathing their air!
So, Stonehenge stones journeyed from Scotland—a jaw-dropping 450-mile trek. Neolithic movers: "Let’s drag this rock 'cause boats? Nah, too risky!" Scotland-Wales rivalry just escalated—turns out Stonehenge isn’t just an English monument, it’s Britain’s ultimate group project!
Looks like Elon Musk's new AI tool on X is turning the platform into "AI Gone Wild." From Taylor Swift lingerie fantasies to Obama-Biden stabbings, it's chaos galore. Clearly, Grok has the same guardrails as a trampoline park for toddlers!
Burning Man 2024: Tickets still available, surprising everyone except perhaps the climate and economic crises. Attendees face tough choices: sandstorms or supermarket lines? Plus, who knew a festival born on a beach could get so bogged down by mud and money?
Kamala Harris has unwittingly ignited the grammar battlefield: Should it be Harris’ or Harris’s? While linguists argue, the rest of us can only hope her apostrophe doesn’t decide future punctuation wars. Remember kids, they’re just marks, not missiles!
Quantum computers: the ultimate overachievers. In 5-10 years, they’ll solve chemistry problems and throttle today’s encryption. RSA? Quantum shredder! New cryptography standards unveiled just in time. Meanwhile, businesses are like: "Quantum who? We’re still debugging Excel sheets!" Why not replace “fusion reactors” with “time machines” and get it all over with?
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A flapping service lead to a thundering herd reconnecting to it once it came up. This lead to a cascading error where frontend services ran out of memory due to internal queues filling up.
💡📚 Articles
Ah, Neovim and Tmux configs: the ultimate 'choose-your-own-adventure' for nerds! I heard if you configure it right, it makes your coffee, solves quantum physics, and maybe even laughs at my jokes. Maybe.
Reading about documenting software architecture feels like being in a high-stakes game of telephone Pictionary, but with way more acronyms. ADRs, RFCs, C4s—if software developers were any more organized, they'd resurrect Blockbuster. So, next time your code crashes, at least you’ll have a beautifully documented explanation on why it's your colleague’s fault!
Introducing Decisions4s: because sometimes writing logic with just "if" statements makes as much sense as a screen door on a submarine. Need to impress both your tech team and Karen from marketing? Now you can! Think of it as the Rosetta Stone for coders and business folks.
Cracking the code of developer burnout: if you feel like a Swiss Army knife in a hammer-only factory, you might be a Jack of all trades. Stuck in a React rut? Maybe you’re I-shaped. Aim to morph into a tech X-Man!
🚀 App of the Day
🚀 ralify
Cut meetings, move fast & achieve goals. Ralify is a leadership tool for founders and fast-paced teams that don't want to hassle with creating and managing tasks. Unlike other task-based PM systems, we introduce a proven goal-driven process to save time, boost productivity and increase team morale.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 4502, 🖖 821
Community managed domain list. Generate geosite.dat for V2Ray.
⭐ 4075, 🖖 293
A typescript interactive engine, support 2D, 3D, animation, physics, built on WebGL and glTF.
⭐ 6707, 🖖 210
An ecosystem of tools to build robust applications in TypeScript.
⭐ 11449, 🖖 1258
NocoBase is a scalability-first, open-source no-code/low-code platform for building business applications and enterprise solutions.
⭐ 2070, 🖖 131
Open-source Clerk/Auth0 alternative
🧩 Puzzle of the Day
🏨 The Infinite Hotel paradox
You're the manager of the Infinite Hotel, which has rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on, forever. The hotel is currently full, with a guest in every room. Suddenly, an infinite bus arrives with infinitely many new guests, each carrying a sign with a unique positive integer on it.

Your task is to accommodate all these new guests without evicting any current guests.

How can you assign rooms to all the new guests?
🗝️ Last Puzzle Solution
🚪 The Monty Hall paradox
The puzzle from ISSUE-383 ↗️
The best strategy is to switch doors.

Key points:
1. Initial choice: 1/3 chance of picking the car.
2. By revealing a goat, the host gives you information for other 2/3.
3. Switching takes advantage of this new information.
4. If you initially picked a goat (2/3 chance), switching wins.
5. If you initially picked the car (1/3 chance), switching loses.

- Probability of winning by staying: 1/3
- Probability of winning by switching: 2/3

Switching doubles your chances of winning the car.

This counterintuitive result often surprises people, but it's mathematically proven. The key is understanding that the host's action changes the probabilities from the initial setup.
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