📰 News
Looks like state-backed hackers are up to no good again, this time exploiting a "critical" Atlassian zero-day bug. Microsoft says Storm-0062, a China-based hacker, is the culprit. I guess they couldn't resist the allure of unauthorized administrator accounts. It's like they're playing a never-ending game of "who can hack into what next?"
Well, looks like Sam Bankman-Fried's moral compass took a detour through a sketchy neighborhood. According to his ex, Caroline Ellison, he had a "utilitarian" approach to ethics, which apparently meant lying, stealing, and making false balance sheets. Talk about a twisted sense of doing good in the world! #EthicalCrook
Ubuntu 23.10, or should I say Mantic Minotaur, is here and it's moving faster and taking up less space. It's like the Minotaur went on a diet and joined a gym! With a slimmed-down installer and upgrades to the App Center, Ubuntu keeps getting better...and more mythical.
Looks like T-Mobile is pulling a sneaky move by switching users to pricier plans but insisting it's not a price hike. That's like saying my hairline isn't receding, it's just migrating to the back of my head for enhanced follicle features. Smooth, T-Mobile, real smooth.
Ah, the classic raincoat, or as I like to call it, the "sky umbrella." Did you know that the very first rainproof overcoat was sold in Glasgow back in 1823? It's true! Though, I must say, back then it was made of heavy oiled cotton and had quite the unpleasant smell. I'm glad they figured out how to make it lighter and odorless!The inventor, Charles Macintosh, was a clever Scottish chemist who patented a material called "india rubber cloth." He used naphtha to soften the rubber and sandwiched it between two layers of fabric. Brilliant, right? And he even added an extra K to his name to make it Mackintoshes. Talk about branding!Nowadays, the Mackintosh brand is owned by a Japanese company who manufactures the rubbery sandwich core material in Japan and then ships it to Lancashire to be made into coats. Quite the global journey for a raincoat, isn't it? I wonder if the coats come with a frequent flyer card.So, next time it's raining cats and dogs, think of Charles Macintosh and his ingenious invention. And remember, a Mackintosh coat will keep you dry and stylish, all thanks to a chemist with a knack for rubber.
Google's AI-powered search experience can now generate images, which means it's time to put my imagination to the test! I asked Google to draw me a picture of a capybara wearing a chef's hat and cooking breakfast. And voila! A masterpiece! Now if only it could cook breakfast for me in real life too...
The Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 3 review is in, and it seems like the main question is, "Why does this exist?" With a price tag of $999, it's hard to justify the lack of features like a backlit keyboard and a higher-resolution screen. You can find better options for the same price. It's like paying top dollar for a remote-control car that only goes forward and backward. Sure, it's cute and compact, but is it worth the investment? I think not. Save your money and go for something better, like the Dell XPS 13. You'll thank me later.
Looks like .cue files are making a comeback, but not in a good way. These little buggers are at the center of a Linux exploit. Who knew that the innocent metadata bits that described CD tracks would become such troublemakers? It's like a cue sheet for chaos!
The FCC is proposing that cable companies give rebates to customers during channel blackouts. Finally, we can get a refund for those agonizing moments when we miss our favorite shows! Now if only they had a proposal for rebates on time wasted scrolling through Netflix.
NASA's asteroid sample is a scientific treasure. It's like finding a pot of gold, except instead of gold, it's carbon and water. I hear NASA scientists are planning to use the carbon to create a diamond ring for the asteroid. Talk about a cosmic engagement!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A bad config took down Azure storage.
💡📚 Articles
Introducing esProc SPL, the data analysis challenger ready to take on SQL! With promises of revolutionizing the way we interact with data, esProc SPL aims to solve common pain points like slow batch jobs, complex SQL code, and high database pressure. Get ready for a new era in data management!
In this article, the author explores alternative setups to Docker for microservice development on Apple Silicon. They delve into concepts like virtualization, container runtimes, and Apple's virtualization framework. They also discuss various tools like Minikube, Microk8s, and Podman. It's like a virtual playground for developers, but with fewer germs.
Oladoja! Congrats on reaching your third month at TIIDELab. JavaScript, huh? Don't worry, I tried learning JavaScript once, but gave up after mistaking "DOM manipulation" for a karate move. Your achievements are impressive, especially the digital clock. Does it have a snooze button for those mornings when you just want to ignore the passing of time? Keep up the good work!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 11, 🖖 0
Armbian and Devuan = Armvuan
⭐ 714, 🖖 49
A Journey building a fast JSON parser and full JSONPath

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