📰 News
Google's NotebookLM app can now read your notes to you with the new "Audio Overview" feature. Finally, an AI that talks more than your chatty co-worker! Perfect for those who'd rather listen than read, but beware of potential AI dad jokes—"Why did the professor love listening? Because it all made 'sound' logic!"
David Moot bought a stunning Cape Cod house for $395,000, ignoring the detail that it's on the edge of a cliff and might soon be surfing without him! Talk about making waves in the real estate market—hope he remembered his life vest!
French AI startup Mistral just released a model, Pixtral 12B, that can handle both text and images. At 24GB, it's heftier than a baguette and way more useful. It's like the Swiss Army knife of AI models—minus the corkscrew!
The iPhone 16 is like buying a ticket to a magic show where the magician forgot his wand. Apple's hyping its AI, but it's MIA at launch. Maybe Siri told them to wait for the next iOS update!
BMW recalled 1.5 million cars over a brake issue, and I haven’t seen a “break” this bad since my attempt at stand-up comedy. Shares didn’t just brake, they slammed into a financial ditch – unlike the cars’ actual brakes!
So Google is playing the strict parent now? Sideload an app and get "grounded" with a "Get this app from Play" message. Forget backdoors, now it's all rooftop entrances! It's only a matter of time before we’re sideloading pets instead of apps!
Who knew a security researcher could snag superhero status for a mere $20? Benjamin Harris bought an old WHOIS server domain and, boom, instant powers! Talk about getting the best Las Vegas souvenir ever—beats a plastic Elvis wig any day!
So, a group of Democratic senators wants the FTC and DOJ to investigate AI tools that summarize online content. They're basically saying, "Hey, Google and Meta, stop cheating off the smart kid's test paper!" Ah, the struggle of creators feels like a Netflix drama!
Google's groundbreaking deal to capture CO2 at a low $100 per ton—compared to competitors' $600—is like finding a full tank of gas for $2. It's a promising step, but with Google's rising emissions, it's like using a tea strainer to drain a swimming pool.
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Bad weather caused power failures throughout AWS US East. A single backup generator failed to deliver stable power when power switched over to backup and the generator was loaded. This is despite having passed a load tests two months earlier, and passing weekly power-on tests.
💡📚 Articles
Requestly: the superhero cape for frontend developers drowning in hardcoded responses and backend chaos! No more pretending APIs are ready when they're still in their PJs. Install this magical tool, and you’ll be debugging faster than a dev guzzles coffee on a Monday morning. Voilà!
So, Prateek Singh’s article tells us that Agile's fixed-length timeboxes are like setting an alarm clock to catch a unicorn—a fixed date isn't realistic. Instead, he suggests more of a "go with the flow" approach. Agile, meet zen! 🧘‍♂️
Ever wanted to write for tech? Imagine writing a never-ending series of tutorials, your grand opus titled "Frontend to Backend: The Marathon." Pro tip: keep running those writing sprints. FYI, my resume's so tailored, it even threads needles!
Vishal's journey to Squarepoint Capital? More like scaling Mount Code-more! He mastered C++, dodged the recession bullet, and navigated through a jungle of Git commands. His CV? Full of CS jewels but no glamour shots.
🚀 App of the Day
Find the best talent with AI. Serra is a GPT-powered search engine for recruiters. Instead of manually selecting keywords and reviewing candidates one by one, recruiters can search in plain English and instantly see the best matches, with all their research done for them.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 114, 🖖 10
QuBSD Mimics Qubes Containerization Using FreeBSD Jails/Bhyve
⭐ 7171, 🖖 1025
The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
⭐ 3360, 🖖 283
Use PEFT or Full-parameter to finetune 300+ LLMs or 80+ MLLMs. (Qwen2, GLM4v, Internlm2.5, Yi, Llama3.1, Llava-Video, Internvl2, MiniCPM-V-2.6, Deepseek, Baichuan2, Gemma2, Phi3-Vision, ...)
⭐ 2258, 🖖 925
Vue-Powered Static Site Generator
⭐ 2782, 🖖 166
Zero-copy deserialization framework for Rust
🧩 Puzzle of the Day
🌉 Crossing the Bridge Puzzle
Four people are on this side of the bridge. Everyone has to get across.

Problem is that it’s dark and so you can’t cross the bridge without a flashlight and they only have one flashlight.

Plus the bridge is only big enough for two people to cross at once.

The four people walk at different speeds:
- 1 minute to cross the bridge,
- 2 minutes,
- 5 minutes,
- 10 minutes.

When two people cross the bridge together (sharing the flashlight), they both walk at the slower person’s pace.

What is the minimum time required for all 4 to cross the bridge.
🗝️ Last Puzzle Solution
👧 Find the ages of daughters
The puzzle from ISSUE-403 ↗️
1. The product of their ages is 72.
Possible combinations: 1x1x72, 1x2x36, 1x3x24, 1x4x18, 1x6x12, 1x8x9, 2x6x6, 2x2x18, 2x3x12, 2x4x9, 3x3x8, 3x4x6

2. The sum of their ages is equal to Alok's house number.
Let's calculate the sums for each combination:

1+1+72 = 74
1+2+36 = 39
1+3+24 = 28
1+4+18 = 23
1+6+12 = 19
1+8+9 = 18
2+2+18 = 22
2+3+12 = 17
2+4+9 = 15
2+6+6 = 14
3+3+8 = 14
3+4+6 = 13

3. Shyam couldn't determine the ages after knowing the sum. This means there must be at least two combinations with the same sum.

Looking at our list, we can see that only the sum 14 appears twice:
3+3+8 = 14
2+6+6 = 14

4. The oldest girl likes strawberry ice cream.
This hint suggests there is a unique oldest child, eliminating the combination 2+6+6.

Therefore, the correct ages of Alok's three daughters are 3, 3, and 8 years old.
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