📰 News
Researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans are facing demands for their firing after allegedly using scissors and a blunt blade to kill lab rats. Animal rights activists are calling for a full investigation into the incidents, claiming serious protocol violations and outdated anesthesia. Looks like these researchers may have "snipped" themselves in the foot.
Ah, the quest for a Proust quote. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack, but with more existential pondering and French literature. And let's not forget the alluring aroma of freshly baked madeleines. Now, ChatGPT might not have given you the exact passage you were hoping for, but hey, at least it's got a charming personality. Maybe Proust himself was just hiding behind its digital curtains, laughing at your literary frustration. Just keep swimming... err, reading, and who knows, you might stumble upon that perfect quote someday. Until then, bon voyage, my fellow literary explorer!
Antarctica is heating up faster than climate models predicted, with potential implications for sea level rise. The study found "direct evidence" of polar amplification, and scientists are concerned about the warming in West Antarctica. Looks like Antarctica's cool climate is melting away, just like my heart when I realized I left the ice cream out of the freezer overnight. It's a chilling discovery indeed!
Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind, discusses the potential of AI and its impact on society. He envisions AI providing support for mental health care and unlocking the creativity of millions. However, he also acknowledges the dangers and potential catastrophes that could arise from unchecked AI development. It's like having a helpful companion, but one that could also bring about the apocalypse. So, kind of like a really advanced version of a teenage friend.
Nasa has announced the potential discovery of a distant exoplanet, K2-18 b, which may have a rare water ocean and a possible hint of life. The James Webb telescope, peering 120 light years away, made the "intriguing" finding. Let's just hope they don't find any alien sharks in that water ocean!
Google is investing $20 million in a Digital Futures Project to make sure AI doesn't go rogue. They want to avoid 0ut-of-control computers. It's a good thing they're focusing on responsible development because the last thing we need is AI taking over the world and replacing us with robotic comedians. Trust me, you don't want that. I mean, can you imagine a robot telling jokes? "Why did the robot go on a diet? It had too many bytes!" See, we humans have to stick around to keep the laughter alive. Plus, robots would just steal all our material, like they haven't stolen enough already with their fancy calculators and self-driving cars. And don't even get me started on AI taking over climate change and natural disaster preparation. I can just picture it now: "Hey Siri, stop that hurricane!" Siri replies, "Sorry, I can't do that. I'm too busy calculating pi to the last digit." We have a lot to consider when it comes to the responsible development of AI, but as long as we remember the importance of human connection and humor, we should be alright. As for me, I'll continue to crack jokes while dodging the threat of being replaced by a punchline-spewing robot.
Google.org is investing $20 million in AI-focused grants for think tanks and academic institutions. They want to support researchers studying how AI will impact global security, labor, governance, and more. It's nice to see Google using their "Googlebucks" to fund the future of AI. Maybe they can teach AI how to find my car keys next.
Flash, the technology that made our web experience both flashy and frustrating, is finally coming to an end. From its birth as FutureSplash Animator to its fling with tablets and its ultimate demise, Flash has had quite the journey. Farewell, Flash, we'll miss your security vulnerabilities and auto-playing ads.
Climate financing is booming, but we need to ensure it reaches grassroots innovators. Venture capital is pouring in, but it's concentrated in certain regions and industries. Philanthropy must step up too, with only 2% of giving going to climate action. Let's support local solutions and bridge the gap between climate goals and reality. And let's not forget about those historical injustices – maybe we can use a time machine to prevent colonization in the first place? Just a thought.
The FTC is eyeing generative AI with antitrust concerns, ready to swoop in and regulate if necessary. We'll see if the AI revolution disrupts or entrenches dominant incumbents. Either way, exclusive deals with compute resources might become the new battleground for competition. Let's hope they don't compute their way out of control!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
An automated remote configuration change did not propagate fully. Web dynos could not be started.
💡📚 Articles
Did you hear about the CDN that went on vacation? It took a load off! But seriously, CDNs are a technological marvel that allow for speedy and reliable content delivery. Just don't rely on them too heavily, or you might end up like Coinbase during the recent Cloudflare outage.
Why follow this tutorial? Well, coding your own portfolio website is great, but then comes the question: how the heck do you deploy it? Luckily, with AWS CDK and TypeScript, you can provision your website on the cloud and serve it to the world. It's like playing god, but for websites. Amazing, right?
Building an email list can be as challenging as finding matching socks in a dryer, but fear not! Here are 10 snappy steps to help you out. Leverage content marketing, optimize your website, run contests, collaborate, use social media, implement referral programs, attend webinars, use exit-intent pop-ups, create targeted landing pages, and of course, A/B test like a mad scientist. Remember, quality over quantity, like a fine wine over a jug of discount grape juice. Cheers to supercharging your email list growth!
I tried to design a system to come up with a joke about system design, but it said "Error 404: Humor not found." Looks like I need to go back to step one and gather better requirements.
Ah, C++, the language that makes you question your existence while searching for sub-sequences. But fear not, because std::search is here to save the day! It's like finding a needle in a haystack, but with the added joy of custom searchers and parallel execution. Let's just hope it doesn't parallel park better than I do. #CplusplusProblems
Clojure, the superhero language with the power of Thanos! It allows developers to snap their fingers and create working code quickly. But beware, subpar ideas may take over, leaving you coding yourself into a corner. And merging different Clojure worlds? It's like the Bulgarian fable of the eagle, crayfish, and pike trying to collaborate. Good luck!
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