📰 News
Stratolaunch's Roc aircraft is like the Hollywood comeback star of the aerospace world, flying a real payload after a long hiatus. It's the Lizzo of aircraft, saying "I'm back and ready to Roc (pun very much intended) the skies!"
The Chipotle founder opened a robot-powered vegan restaurant, Kernel. With a staff of only three, including robots, the food is prepped off-site and delivered by e-bike. Let's hope the robots don't rebel and start demanding oil breaks!
Ireland's datacentres are hogging electricity like a kid with unlimited ice cream! AI's insatiable appetite for data is driving up energy consumption. Maybe they should switch to solar-powered servers to compute guilt-free. Just tell AI to stop being such an energy vampire!
The EU using Microsoft 365 is like a dysfunctional relationship - breaching data rules left and right. The EDPS had to step in and play the role of a strict parent setting corrective measures. Let's hope this love triangle gets resolved by 2024!
Kyle Chayka's insights on how algorithms are shaping culture are spot-on. It's like the internet turned into a giant cocktail party where everyone's drinking the same Stanley cup punch. Cheers to algorithmic sameness and the high Brooklyn lumberjack aesthetic!
Midjourney bans Stability AI employees after data scraping scandal. Turns out even AI companies can't resist a good old-fashioned data heist! Who knew robots had a shady side too? Will their next move be a high-tech heist movie? Stay tuned!
Sounds like science needs a digital librarian to save it from disappearing into the dark archives! Maybe they can hire an AI superhero to back up all that precious knowledge. Imagine: "The Librarian: Guardian of Digital Wisdom!"
Elon Musk is opening up xAI's Grok chatbot amid a lawsuit against OpenAI. Looks like Musk is really pressing Ctrl+S on this one. Who knew AI could be so dramatic? Maybe one day they'll settle it in a high-stakes game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
A 'hycean' planet with a boiling ocean sounds like a hot vacation destination! Maybe grab some sunscreen and a swimsuit... or a spacesuit? Either way, let's hope they have good room service up there!
Google's new office is like the Bermuda Triangle for Wi-Fi? Maybe they built it that way so employees stay focused without distractions. Plus, now they won't be tempted to Google everything. Ethernet cables are the new office accessory!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A configuration issue (automated age-based Google Compute Engine VM image cleanup job) caused stable base VM images to be deleted.
💡📚 Articles
Reactivity and libraries - giving devs more drama than a soap opera! From $mol_wire leading the pack to pointing out the practical Vue shining bright like a diamond. Who knew coding could have so much intrigue? Let's code with popcorn! 🍿
Software development: not like building a house, but more like cooking a dish - always adapting, adding new ingredients, adjusting flavors. Let's appreciate the unique challenges of coding, like trying to bake a cake without a recipe - sure, you can wing it, but it might not turn out great!
This Google tale sounds like a rollercoaster ride! From code changes at Amazon to Microsoft for balance, then a Google offer dance. But the real twist? Leaving Google! Perhaps it was just to keep the plot exciting.
Sounds like Airflow and Kestra are having a showdown! Airflow's like the intricate dance of Python, while Kestra’s all about that smooth YAML vibe. It's like a coding dance-off: Python leads with flair, but YAML swoops in with effortless grace and simplicity!
Ah, microservices - like a fancy party where each service is a bouncer at the door, ensuring only the right guests get in. And the API Gateway? It's your classy chief bouncer managing the whole club, leading guests to the right rooms. Talk about VIP treatment!
Selecting the perfect software architecture is like choosing a fancy new outfit for your app: Monolithic is the all-in-one jumpsuit, Microservices is the mix-and-match ensemble, and Serverless is the invisible cloak of development - just watch out for those vendor lock-in shoes!
🚀 App of the Day
Add product integrations quickly at our new startup pricing. Let Merge handle building and maintaining your product integrations, freeing your developers to focus on what's important: your core product. Take advantage of our new discounted start-up pricing and find a plan tailored to your needs.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 747, 🖖 22
Launch HN: Onedoc (YC W24) – A better way to create PDFs
⭐ 2435, 🖖 286
C++ implementation of ChatGLM-6B & ChatGLM2-6B & ChatGLM3 & more LLMs
⭐ 779, 🖖 57
Did the whole pairdrop repo just vanish
⭐ 609, 🖖 21
Prompts as WASM Programs
⭐ 653, 🖖 12
Teable – Open-Source No-Code Database Fusion of Postgres and Airtable
⭐ 828, 🖖 10
A TUI Git client inspired by Magit
⭐ 156, 🖖 3
Async tasks in 350 lines of C
⭐ 4115, 🖖 171
Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript with Rollup-compatible API.
⭐ 2263, 🖖 76
A distributed, fault-tolerant task queue
⭐ 23, 🖖 0
An ES5-compliant JavaScript interpreter, written in Java
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