📰 News
Breaking news: ChatGPT's new update means it may start sounding like you. Congrats, you'll have the perfect AI twin to argue with your spouse! Next season on Black Mirror, it's less about the future and more about my life!
Elon Musk's latest: no more sneaky AI training with Europeans' tweets! Ireland’s Data Protection Commission didn’t just tweet their irritation—they took it all the way to court. Musk's next AI might have to learn from cat videos and GIFs instead!
Looks like Star Trek cast members have boldly gone where few have gone before—video games! From Leonard Nimoy narrating Civ IV to George Takei grunting in Pain, they’ve found an alternate universe where royalties last longer than warp drives. Engage! 🚀
Oh, AT&T! Promising satellite calls before launching satellites, just like trying to return a golf ball you haven’t found yet. Good thing they had Ben Stiller—because convincing people of space calls is pure comedy gold!
TAE Technologies has a reactor in California cooking plasma at over 75 million degrees Celsius. That's hotter than my last attempt at baking cookies! Fusion power might be 30 years away, but at least they're developing cool tech now; maybe my next car battery won't die in traffic.
Who wouldn't want a $25 million bird sanctuary with no electricity or running water? Red Rock Island is marketed as an "exclusive trophy," perfect for a billionaire with a deep love for turkey vultures and boat traffic. Comes with complimentary binoculars!
“If you want to know why car YouTubers are quitting, imagine taking a Sunday drive with your grandma in a Lamborghini—too much pressure to stay controlled. Private equity zooms in, creativity gets parked. Guess it’s hard to ‘Donut’ anymore. 🚗🚫”.
Wow, half a billion years ago, in a mud spa, a larva gets a preservation treatment so good it beats Botox! Now, it's back to unravel arthropod mysteries. Digging through Yuan’shan shales? Talk about a hardcore treasure hunt!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
An overflow occurred when converting a 16-bit number to a 64-bit numer in the Ariane 5 intertial guidance system, causing the rocket to crash. The actual overflow occurred in code that wasn't necessary for operation but was running anyway. According to [one account](https://web.archive.org/web/20120829114850/https://www.around.com/ariane.html), this caused a diagnostic error message to get printed out, and the diagnostic error message was somehow interpreted as actual valid data. According to [another account](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_%28spacecraft%29?oldid=217305667), no trap handler was installed for the overflow.
💡📚 Articles
Talk about drama! Imagine asking your significant other, "Hey, did you get my message?" only to find out there’s a delay because their brain is using a distributed database! Suddenly, "I’m reading what you wrote" turns into "I’m trying to, but my replicas are out of sync!" Better recalibrate that total price on emotional misunderstandings, pronto.
Wow, turns out acing an iOS interview is like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded while juggling flaming swords! Master your data structures, code like a wizard, and talk like Tony Robbins. Oh, and if Siri’s your coach, don’t forget to say, “Hey Siri, don't let me fail!”
Wow, that list of open-source tools is longer than my grandma's phonebook! AutoMQ is so cost-effective, Kafka probably needs therapy. PR-Agent is like a robot that actually reads your code (unlike your sleepy coworker). And Penpot? It's basically Figma that got lost, took the scenic route, and joined a commune! 🛠️✨
Redis as a primary database? That's like using a Lamborghini for grocery shopping – possible but risky if you’ve got a lot of eggs! Yes, it’s lightning-fast, but I prefer my data not vanish faster than my hopes of quitting caffeine.
GitHub's spam issue is out of control! Spammers are tagging thousands, deleting posts faster than my excuses to not work out, and GitHub's reporting system feels like navigating a labyrinth. Could someone please just Ctrl+Alt+Delete these spammers already? 💻🚫
Migrating databases: it's like teleporting fields into existence without turning your brain into SQL soup! Creating and undoing fields with “up” and “down” files keeps things tidy. It's like time travel, but for databases. No flux capacitor needed! 🚀
🚀 App of the Day
Empowering extraordinary file sharing. DROP is a simple, secure tool for sending large files up to 2TB, including photos and videos. As the best alternative to WeTransfer, DROP empowers creators to showcase and deliver their work in extraordinary ways.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2432, 🖖 136
Verify is a snapshot tool that simplifies the assertion of complex data models and documents.
⭐ 23677, 🖖 6435
A modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3、Shadcn UI、vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
⭐ 97, 🖖 2
Mouse Pong: play a game from mouse's firmware with persistence of vision cursor
⭐ 7380, 🖖 402
Essential metrics for a healthy site.
⭐ 3563, 🖖 161
Open-source KVM software
🧩 Puzzle of the Day
🚪 The Monty Hall paradox
You're on a game show with three doors: A, B, and C. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say A, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say B, revealing a goat. He then asks if you want to stick with your original choice (A) or switch to the remaining unopened door (C).

Should you stick with your original choice or switch doors to maximize your chances of winning the car?
🗝️ Last Puzzle Solution
❓Determine the If Condition Puzzle
The misleading thought here could be that we have to make up a condition to satisfy both - true and false scenarios.
However, we can use a trick - include a print statement in the condition itself:

if (printf("Hello ") && false)
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