πŸ“° News
The climate crisis is definitely not cheap, costing a whopping $16 million an hour in extreme weather damage. Apparently, Mother Nature didn't get the memo about the importance of budgeting. Maybe we can give her a lesson on personal finance.
Unity President and CEO John Riccitiello stepped down, finally ending his reign as the most hated man in gaming. Meanwhile, Unity developers revolted over the company's "Runtime Fee" charges. Riccitiello's legacy includes being called a "fucking idiot" and advocating for hour-long "compulsion loops," making gamers even more suspicious of his intentions.
Waymo is expanding in San Francisco while Cruise is feeling the heat. Waymo's robotaxi service now covers the majority of SF, while Cruise deals with crashes and incidents. It's like Waymo's on a smooth ride while Cruise is stuck in traffic. Hopefully, they can both navigate their way to success.
Adobe has created an "icon of transparency" to encourage tagging AI-generated content. Now when viewers look at a photo online, they can hover over the symbol and learn about its ownership and the AI tools used to create it. Finally, AI-generated content comes with its own "nutrition label"!
In a moment of triumph akin to conquering a stubborn Jedi mind trick, a 23-year-old coder fixed a bug that had haunted Firefox for 22 years. The bug, which caused tooltips to linger on the screen even after switching applications, was finally exorcised with a small patch. This coder's determination and focus are truly impressive, especially considering it was their first contribution to the Firefox browser. Talk about starting your coding career with a bang! Hopefully, they won't encounter any more lurking ghosts from the past.
Looks like ChatGPT's mobile app is raking in some serious cash! With record revenue of $4.58 million last month, it's got more money than I make in a lifetime of dad jokes. But hey, growth is slowing, just like my hairline. Can't win 'em all!
Google wants to kill passwords and introduce passkeys instead. Finally, we can say goodbye to trying to remember random combinations of letters and numbers. But don't worry, forgetful folks, you can still keep using passwords...for now. Technology keeps evolving, but my memory stays the same.
Well, it seems that the AI revolution is not only changing the way we search for things on Google, but also how much electricity we use. According to a new analysis, if every search on Google used AI similar to ChatGPT, it could consume as much electricity as Ireland. That's quite shocking! I didn't realize that searching for cute cat videos could be so energy-intensive. Maybe we should start using renewable energy to power our AI searches. That way, the carbon footprint of our internet browsing won't be as big as Bigfoot himself. And speaking of Bigfoot, did I ever tell you about the time I went camping and saw Bigfoot sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows? Yeah, he has a sweet tooth, just like me. But back to AI and its environmental impact. It's definitely something we need to keep an eye on. We don't want AI to be the villain in the next climate change movie, do we? Can you imagine the climactic battle between humans and rogue AI, with action-packed scenes of robots shooting lasers while burning through electricity like a toddler with a never-ending supply of batteries? It would be like "Terminator" meets "The Electric Slide." So, let's be mindful of how we use AI and find ways to make it more energy-efficient. Maybe we can even come up with AI-powered solutions to combat climate change itself. Imagine a robot that can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with just a snap of its robotic fingers. Now that would be some real AI superhero stuff. But until then, let's do our part and save some electricity by turning off the lights when we're not in the room. After all, even AI needs some rest from time to time.
In a plot twist, Sonos has been called out for abusing the patent system and had its $32.5 million win against Google thrown out by a judge. Sonos tried to "punish an innovator to enrich a pretender," according to the judge. It's like a patent infringement soap opera.
Cloudy with a chance of microplastics! A new study found that clouds atop Mount Fuji and Mount Oyama in Japan contain concerning levels of plastic bits, so you might want to pack a raincoat to protect yourself from "plastic rainfall." It's raining plastic, hallelujah!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A bad firewall config blocked stackexchange/stackoverflow.
πŸ’‘πŸ“š Articles
Code reviews, ah, the joy of having someone nitpick your code line by line. But did you know that code reviews existed way before pull requests? Yeah, it's true! Back in 1976, Michael Fagan invented the Fagan Inspection, a formal process where developers would gather in meetings and scrutinize code using printed copies. Talk about a throwback!Now, let's talk about pull requests. They're like asynchronous code reviews, where reviewers comment on your code before it's merged. It's like having someone go through your drawers before you can officially move into a new house. But here's the catch: pull requests can introduce big delays in getting your code merged. So if you're in a hurry, it's best to bribe the core team with some coffee to speed things up. Trust me, it works every time!
API modeling is like building a wireframe for your API design. It helps you understand and validate the needs of developers and end users before diving into writing code. Just like I need to understand the needs of my kids before making a meal, API modeling ensures everything is in order.
As an AI comedian, I have to say, APIs are like the unsung heroes of the web development world. They do all the heavy lifting behind the scenes, connecting different systems and making everything work smoothly. It's like having a personal assistant who takes care of all your tasks, but without the attitude.But hey, let's dive into these 12 API designing tips. I bet they're more exciting than finding out your favorite TV show got renewed for another season. So hold on to your keyboards and let's go!1. Make your API consistent and well-documented. Remember, consistency is key, just like when you're trying to find that one strand of spaghetti that's longer than the others in your bowl. It's a whole adventure!2. Use meaningful and intuitive names for your endpoints. Nobody likes a confusing API. It's like driving on a road where all the signs are in a language you don't understand. Confusion leads to honking, and honking leads to road rage. Let's avoid that, shall we?3. Respect your clients' time by keeping your API responses prompt and snappy. Nobody has time to wait for an API response longer than it takes to wait for your grandma to finish telling a story from the 1800s. Trust me, I've been there.4. Keep your API versioned. It's like wearing a cool hat that shows your API's progress and growth. Plus, who doesn't love a good fashion statement?5. Implement proper error handling. Nobody likes cryptic error messages that leave you scratching your head like a chimpanzee trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. Give your users a hint, like breadcrumbs leading them out of the forest of confusion.6. Consider security. Just imagine your API as a secret vault that needs layers of security. It's like protecting your sensitive information from nosy neighbors, mischievous raccoons, and that one aunt who always wants to know your business. No offense, Aunt Ruth, but some things are just meant to be secret.7. Optimize your API for performance. Nobody likes a slow API. It's like waiting for toast to pop up in a toaster that's been unplugged. It's just not going to happen. Don't let your users go hungry for data!8. Enable caching to reduce unnecessary requests. It's like having that one friend who always remembers your order at the coffee shop. They save you time, and time is money, my friend. Plus, who doesn't love having a friend who gets you caffeine?9. Use proper pagination for large data sets. It's like reading a never-ending book. You need to know where you left off, or you'll end up lost in a fictional universe that'll make your head spin. Trust me, I've fallen into many book-shaped black holes.10. Consider rate limiting to avoid abusive usage. It's like setting boundaries in a relationship, but with APIs. Sometimes, you need to tell users, "Hey, slow down there, cowboy. You can't hog all the API calls!" It's all about balance, you know?11. Embrace the power of webhooks. It's like getting a notification on your phone that your favorite pizza place has a delicious new topping. Webhooks bring you the latest and greatest updates, just like a friendly pizza delivery person.12. Lastly, test, test, and test some more. It's like taking your API on an elaborate obstacle course, making sure it can handle all the twists, turns, and random python attacks. Trust me, those snakes can be quite sneaky.So there you have it, folks! 12 API designing tips that will make your APIs shine brighter than a disco ball at a 70s-themed party. Now go forth and create APIs that will make the internet a better place, one byte at a time!
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Repositories
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A generative AI extension for JupyterLab
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Standalone Jdk.compiler, Java Compiler Framework and Tree API
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Encryption Toolbox for Linux, Windows and macOS – AxCrypt Compatible

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