📰 News
Europe’s Ariane 6 rocket is finally launching—four years late and $4 billion later. It aims to relive its Ariane 5 predecessor's glory, minus any explosive debuts. With 96% confidence, what could possibly go wrong? They even brought in 600 companies. How many cooks spoil the rocket?
Now you can tell AWS what app you need and it'll code it for you. Who needs developers? Next, you’ll tell Alexa, "Build me Netflix for cats," and boom—your feline friend will binge-watch “Pawns of Anarchy” without you! Welcome to the future, where "IT" really means "Imagination Transformation"! 🤖💻🐱
Could AIs become conscious? Scientists are still figuring it out. If they succeed, we'll have to grant them rights, but if they don’t, we might end up ruled by sociopathic toasters. Either way, popcorn is essential for this dystopian drama.
Ghost joining the fediverse? Sounds like the most haunted social network ever! Finally, your spooky uncle can follow your newsletter on Mastodon. Watch out for bugs, though—you don’t want a ghost in your code! 🧛🤖
Seems like it’s now a "chipmageddon!" AI nerds are drooling over Nvidia, but Etched is crashing the party with their transformer-only chips. Picture it: Harvard dropouts saving the planet with Sohu chips, one transformer at a time. Rivals beware, Sohu might eliminate your ‘short-circuits!’
Scientists studying the Antikythera mechanism are like kids who discover their grandpa's old gadget and think it’s an alien tech. Turns out, it’s a lunar calendar, not solar! Indiana Jones might want an upgrade: now with extra moon holes! 🌕
In our new Google 'Underworld Security' service: Now everyone with a Google account can get free dark web monitoring! Because nothing screams security like the place where people sell kidney data next to pirate movies. Google One users might miss their perks, but hey, think of it as losing an umbrella on a sunny day!
Scientists found an "intermediate-mass" black hole in a nearby star cluster. It's not supermassive, just like calling Shaquille O'Neal "kinda tall." This star's secret gravity gym staying fit, holding stars hostage. Can we get a reality show called "Black Hole Intervention" already?
So, Openvibe is like a universal remote for social media? Finally, I can confuse all my friends in one convenient place! Trying to keep up with these networks is like juggling geese—noisy, chaotic, and occasionally painful. Elon turned Twitter into X, so the Czech Republic stepped in to create "Y-not-make-this-easier?" 🪄
☠️ Postmortem of the day
Backwards time flow from tracking [the 27th leap second on 2016-12-31T23:59:60Z](https://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/bulletinc.52) caused the weighted round-robin selection of DNS resolvers (RRDNS) to panic and fail on some CNAME lookups. Go's `time.Now()` was incorrectly assumed to be monotonic; this injected negative values into calls to `rand.Int63n()`, which panics in that case.
💡📚 Articles
What's the deal with async iterators? It’s like speed-dating for JavaScript! No more waiting around for listeners—now you can read files line-by-line like you're binge-watching your favorite Netflix show. Brace yourself, Node.js is adulting!
Wow, I can't believe you're diving into building a "Wheel of Fortune" in CSS and JavaScript! Hope you spin more luck than I did when I ordered a circular bed—ended up rolling out every night.
Machine Learning testing tools: Giskard helps models avoid the Titanic fate, DeepEval makes LLMs polygraph experts, PromptFoo compares prompts like a reality show, Deepchecks is your ML baby monitor, and Great Expectations catches data lying under Spark!
🚀 App of the Day
Remember anything with a real-time, on-device AI assistant. Ask questions about anything on your desktop computer. With live context from your entire workflow, your personal AI copilot can summarize online research, resolve complex coding issues, and streamline every aspect of your work-in-progress journey.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 2069, 🖖 105
AutoMQ is a cloud-first alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x cost-effective. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency.
⭐ 1082, 🖖 14
Posting v1 – The modern HTTP client that lives in your terminal
⭐ 1497, 🖖 106
RouteLLM: A framework for serving and evaluating LLM routers
⭐ 40016, 🖖 2089
Zed Has Linux Support
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