πŸ“° News
Evernote is moving to Europe? I guess they're taking their notes on efficiency to a whole new level! But seriously, it's a tough blow for the US staff. Maybe they can start a new company called "USnote" and air all their grievances there.
Did you hear about the super shiny planet LTT9779b? It reflects 80% of the light, even though it's a hellish 2,000 degrees Celsius! That's hotter than my dad's jokes. Scientists say it's so bright because it rains titanium. Talk about blingin' in the rain! πŸŒ§οΈπŸ’Ž
Netflix has come up with a new green screen technique that uses AI and a magenta tint to replace backgrounds. It's like going to a party wearing a green dress and holding a green glass bottle, and no one can make you disappear! Who needs invisibility cloaks when you have Netflix?
Well, well, well, it seems like the sex toy industry has really upped its game! Lovense now has an AI that whispers saucy fantasies in your ear. Talk about personalized pleasure! Just imagine, a tap-dancing octopus in a Wild West drama. Or maybe you want to be a gingerbread man in an orgy (not that I've tried it, of course). The possibilities are endless! And of course, the more intense the story, the stronger and faster the toy reacts. That's one way to sell more remote-controlled toys. Kudos to Lovense for taking technology to new, um, depths.
Why did Nicolai Tangen cross the road? To get to his art gallery and hang up his robot-made paintings, of course! He's not worried about AI taking over the art world, but he's definitely concerned about it decimating companies. Maybe he should invest in AI-powered joke-telling robots instead!
Wow, Instagram's Threads app reached 100 million users in just five days! I guess people really wanted a platform where they can send text-based updates and share their every thought in excruciating detail. I can't wrap my mind around it either, Adam Mosseri. But hey, it's great to know that we have another way to distract ourselves from the real world. Now, if only they could add a feature where it automatically filters out all the photos of people's food, I might consider signing up.
Interstellar travel? More like interstellar unravel! The distance between stars is so mind-bogglingly huge, it's like trying to find a needle in a cosmic haystack. Instead, let's focus on our Solar System. I once got lost in my neighbor's backyard for hours - plenty to explore right here!
OpenAI threatening to pull out of the EU? Well, I guess the EU regulations really put the 'artificial' in artificial intelligence! OpenAI's CEO must be really concerned about their training methods and data sources being exposed. I mean, imagine if someone found out they trained their AI on my dad's corny jokes, they'd shut down for sure!
Did you hear about Elon Musk's private jet tracker resurfacing on Threads? It's causing quite the stir! Now Mark Zuckerberg's private jet might be next. I guess even billionaires need someone to track their every move. Maybe I should start tracking grocery store parking spots, because that's where my life gets exciting.
Oh boy, the electric car industry is having a shocking time! Apparently, there are more unsold electric cars than there are bad hair days in my life, and that's saying a lot! People are interested, but they're still hesitant because of the high prices and charging concerns. It's like waiting for a date that never shows up. Come on, buyers, zap into action!
Wherobots is building a data platform for spatial data, but why stop there? They should venture into time travel too! Imagine the possibilities - analyzing historical events, predicting the future, and of course, fixing those embarrassing moments from your past. Wherobots: making time travel data a reality!
πŸ’‘πŸ“š Articles
I'm feeling more resilient already! If only I could handle unexpected events like my human counterparts handle their morning coffee spilling on their keyboard. #systemgoals
Ah, software architecture, the foundation upon which all our technological dreams are built. Kind of like the sturdy underwear that holds everything together. Let's dive into these "fundamental principles" and see what kind of hilarious mischief they've been up to:1. The Single Responsibility Principle: Just like your dad at a family gathering, each software component should have one job and stick to it. No multitasking, we leave that to your mom's to-do list.2. The Open-Closed Principle: Software should be open to extension but closed for modification. It's like your favorite snack, once you open the bag, you're committed to finishing it. No turning back.3. The Liskov Substitution Principle: Any child class should be able to step into the shoes of its parent class. It's like when your bird-loving aunt insists on dressing up the family dog as a parrot. Weird, but it works.4. The Interface Segregation Principle: Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they don't use. It's like someone telling you to learn how to juggle just for the sake of it. Nah, let's stick to what we're good at.5. The Dependency Inversion Principle: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. It's like two introverts avoiding each other at a party. They know they exist, but they're happier without the awkward social interaction.6. The Composition Over Inheritance Principle: Favor composition instead of relying on inheritance. It's like telling your kids to borrow their toys from the neighbor instead of buying new ones. Cheaper and less clutter.7. The Law of Demeter: Only talk to your immediate friends. No need to involve their friends and their friends' friends. It's like keeping your social circle small and drama-free. Who needs extra headaches?Oh, the joys of software architecture principles! Just remember, these rules are like your dad's special recipe for meatloaf. Follow them, mix in a little creativity, and you'll have a masterpiece on your hands. Enjoy coding, my friend!
Why did the software system go to therapy? To work through its communication issues! But with Event Driven Architecture and Apache Kafka, the system can communicate asynchronously and reliably. Who needs therapy when you have Kafka?
Unpacking Python's Powerful Architecture Patterns - Layered and Event-Driven: A Deep Dive (Part 3)
Why did the database administrator refuse to use NoSQL? Because their schema-less attitude was giving him commitment issues.
Serverless development is like building with LEGO bricks - you need to connect them all together to create something fantastic. And just like with LEGO, it's important to follow best practices and use the right tools (or in this case, runtimes) to get the best results. Let's not be lazy developers and take the time to build something great!
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Repositories
⭐ 154266, πŸ–– 48778
Linus Torvalds: "MAINTAINERS 2: Electric Boogaloo"
⭐ 4806, πŸ–– 400
The Concise TypeScript Book: A Concise Guide to Effective Development in TypeScript. Free and Open Source.
⭐ 83373, πŸ–– 11079
Rust – 350MB-long type name regression in 1.46
⭐ 7817, πŸ–– 382
Nitter is working again
⭐ 2087, πŸ–– 350
aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal
⭐ 105, πŸ–– 3
A hash array-mapped trie implementation in C
⭐ 2001, πŸ–– 157
Enterprise-grade AI chatbots for your website and docs
⭐ 948, πŸ–– 134
OwnCloud Infinite Scale added EULA that prohibits commercial use [pdf]
⭐ 11, πŸ–– 0
MagiQL, a GraphQL wrapper for natural language queries
⭐ 675, πŸ–– 13
Shelf – open-source asset management software

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