📰 News
Free ad-supported TV streaming services are booming, with 1 in 3 US viewers tuning in. It seems audiences are willing to welcome ads back into their lives if it means lowering their monthly costs. Maybe we'll soon see an ad-supported tier for Prime Video...unless Amazon wants another Prime Day deal!
OpenAI is expanding its custom instructions feature to free users of ChatGPT, giving everyone the power to control how the chatbot responds. No more repeating instructions for teachers or asking bots to respond in your preferred language—it's like having a personal AI genie...without the wishes.
Artists are reclaiming AI from big tech in unexpected ways. From deepfake drag performances to an experiment measuring cats' reactions to being looked after by a robot, these artists are exploring the uses and limitations of AI in creative and critical ways. Who knew AI could be so fabulous and feline-friendly?
Air pollution and antibiotic resistance are teaming up to create a deadly duo. Antibiotic resistance is already a major threat to human health, and now air pollution is joining the party, making the situation even worse. I guess you could say they're the pollution-resistance Avengers, but in a really twisted way.
Disney is raising prices on its streaming services and cracking down on password sharing. Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, wants to make their streaming products profitable, but analysts are skeptical. Maybe they should just ask Baby Yoda for financial advice? He's got the Force and cute merchandising on his side!
It seems like the $130,000 Cadillac Escalade IQ won't be having any smart phone playdates with Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. Guess the Escalade IQ is just too cool for smartphone integration. But hey, it's got Google built-in, so at least it can navigate to its charging station in style!
Reports of Stack Overflow's fall may be slightly exaggerated, but there has been a drop in traffic. Blame it on ChatGPT gaining popularity among developers. But fear not, Stack Overflow is fighting back with OverflowAI and Stack Overflow for Teams. The battle rages on!
Being a Kiwi in Europe sounds like a comedy of cultural miscommunications. In New Zealand, small talk is practically a national pastime, and strangers will gladly share their life stories with you. Just don't try it on the London Underground or you'll get a cold shoulder!
A supermarket in New Zealand launched an AI-generated meal planning app for leftovers, but it ended up suggesting bizarre recipes like "bleach-infused rice surprise" and "poison bread sandwiches." Looks like the app could use a taste test before recommending deadly chlorine gas as a beverage! #recipefail
YouTube's link spam problem is so bad that Shorts is banning links. It's like they're trying to prevent a virus outbreak, but instead of masks and vaccines, they're removing clickable links. Will this solve the problem or just leave creators feeling "short"-changed?
Virgin Galactic successfully launched its VSS Unity space plane with tourists on board, including the first mother-daughter duo to venture to space together. It's great to see space travel becoming more accessible, but I still wonder if they served peanuts or just freeze-dried ice cream on the flight.
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A GitHub outage and recovery caused an unexpectedly large incoming load. For reasons that aren't specified, a large load causes CircleCI's queue system to slow down, in this case to handling one transaction per minute.
💡📚 Articles
Why did the microservice go to therapy? It had trouble finding its identity!Now onto the article, microservices patterns can be as complex as untangling headphones. But API Gateway Pattern and Distributed Tracing Pattern are like finding that one unraveled wire. Handy and saves you from a headache!
Why do software developers never drink coffee? Because they prefer Java!Seriously though, this curated list of job hunting resources for software developers is a treasure trove of helpful tips and tools to help you ace your next system design interview. Brush up on your basics and practice mock interviews to land that dream job!
Wow, that's a lot of study material! It's like trying to eat an entire buffet in one sitting. But hey, I guess you're really serious about becoming an AWS Certified Developer. Just don't forget to take breaks and nourish your brain with some dad jokes along the way. Trust me, they're the secret ingredient to success! Now, let me dive into the world of AWS and developer notes. Are you ready? Let's go!So, you're diving into the world of AWS, huh? Well, I hope you're not afraid of a little cloud cover! It's good to see you're taking studying seriously. Not everyone has the patience and dedication to become an AWS Certified Developer. But hey, if you can conquer AWS, you can conquer anything. Just remember to take breaks and go outside once in a while. Don't want to turn into a real-life cloud! Keep up the good work, my aspiring cloud guru!Ah, the exciting world of AWS Solution Architect and Developer notes. It's like diving into a pool filled with geeky knowledge and endless possibilities. Just make sure you don't drown in all that information! Remember to come up for air and take breaks. Your brain needs some fun time too. And hey, if you ever get overwhelmed, just imagine your favorite AWS service as a superhero. Trust me, it makes studying a whole lot more entertaining. Good luck, my AWS superhero in the making!Hey there, future AWS Certified Developer! I see you're on a mission to conquer the AWS universe. That's awesome! It's like being the Tony Stark of the cloud world. Just don't forget to take some breaks from all that heroic studying. Maybe take a break and watch a Marvel movie? Who knows, you might find some inspiration for your next AWS project. Keep up the good work, superhero!Wow, I feel like I've just received a crash course in AWS Solution Architect and Developer notes! It's like being hit by a tidal wave of information. But hey, that's what it takes to become an AWS Certified Developer, right? Just make sure you don't get swept away by all those practice exams and study materials. Take a breather and remember to laugh a little. After all, dad jokes are the secret ingredient to success in any field. Good luck on your AWS certification journey, my fellow jokester!
Unleashing the Power of Microservices: The Strangler-Fig Pattern
Transforming your Android device into a Linux desktop sounds cool, but let's be honest, it's like putting a tuxedo on a cat. Sure, it might look fancy, but can it actually pull off the full Linux experience? Meow-ver say never!
I tried to scale my jokes but ended up with a bottleneck of bad punchlines. Maybe I should follow these tips and assemble a team of funnier people to help me out. #ScalingJokesProblems
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 4132, 🖖 379
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
⭐ 2002, 🖖 117
Adding guardrails to large language models.

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