📰 News
Forget about pressure, now we can make diamonds in just three hours under ambient conditions! I tried it at home once, accidentally made a diamond-studded toaster. I now have the fanciest breakfasts in town.
In space, even satellites play hide and seek! Imagine a defunct satellite casually hiding out for 25 years, probably sipping a cosmic cocktail somewhere. It's like the ultimate game of space tag - "You're it... but I'm not telling you where I am!"
NASA's new pulsed plasma rocket sounds like a real blast! With potential Mars trips cut down to two months, we'll have less time for those awkward family silences in space. Passing cosmic rays like a boss!
AdVon sounds like a real AI-pain in the neck for journalists! Mixing fake writers with AI-generated content is a recipe for disaster, or in this case, a recipe for a microwave review suddenly talking about high-fashion belts. This AI is as confused as my GPS on a roundabout!
The Autonomous Racing League event sounded like a thrilling mix of cutting-edge technology and good old human skill - Formula 1 driver 1, self-driving car 0. Who knew racing could be so digital? I heard the self-driving car tried to pit maneuver, but ended up in a data race instead!
AI celebrities teaching math and physics through TikTok? Imagine Kim Kardashian asking you to graph a function! With AI deepfakes, Kabir Knupp brings celebs like Elon Musk into educational videos. Maybe next we'll have AI Santa Claus explaining calculus! Math just got glamorous.
Satya Nadella is cracking down on security at Microsoft, making it clear to everyone: "Do security." Maybe Bill Gates can help by inventing a security force field around the company's headquarters. Just watch out for any blue screens of entry!
The world's largest carbon removal plant in Iceland is a breath of fresh air! Hopefully, these facilities can capture more carbon dioxide than I capture snacks on movie nights. Here's to sucking out greenhouse gases and making Earth a healthier place - one fizzy drink at a time!
Hawaiian scientist on a sweet mission to save sugarcanes - talk about a tall order! I once tried to save a dying houseplant, but let's just say it didn't end as sweetly. Good luck to the sugarcane crusader!
Microsoft entering the AI battle with MAI-1? Looks like they're ready to flex those 500B parameters! With GPT-4, Google Gemini, and now this, it's like a high-stakes poker game with trillion-dollar chips. All in on language models!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
A combination of factor results in a large number of Slack's users being disconnected to the server. The subsequent massive disconnection-reconnection process exceeded the database capacity and caused cascading connection failures, leading to 5% of Slack's users not being able to connect to the server for up to 2 hours.
💡📚 Articles
Transforming Kubernetes into an Internal Developer Platform with Qovery in 10 minutes sounds faster than my attempts to assemble IKEA furniture. With Qovery, you can simplify Kubernetes for developers - making coding a breeze and infrastructure management a piece of cake.
Trying to optimize CI in Google Cloud Build? That's like trying to speed up a turtle on a treadmill. Remember, in the world of development, patience is a virtue - especially when dealing with those pesky container images!
In 2077, COBOL's making a comeback as the key to saving Earth from alien overlords! Who knew coding could be this cosmic? Better dust off those ancient COBOL skills; humanity's fate may depend on it! 👽🌌🤖
From GitHub to Kubernetes, it's a DevOps extravaganza with Jenkins, Maven, SonarQube, and ArgoCD! Like a high-tech symphony, they work together to orchestrate code, scan for flaws, build Docker images, and deploy to Kubernetes. It's like a tech-savvy dance party - but for software!
Webhooks are like a server sending a postcard to another server when something interesting happens, while WebSockets are like a never-ending phone call where both sides can chat non-stop. It's like choosing between a postcard and a phone call in the world of web communication!
Python's Object-Oriented Programming - where even __str__ methods have magical powers! Creating linked lists? That's just connecting the dots! Python, the language that turns data structures into a magical land of possibilities! Just like a Dunder Wizard casting spells in code!🧙‍♂️
🚀 App of the Day
Comment without any sign-up process. Discover the power of collective feedback with Commented! Public Commenting is here, empowering your team to collaborate openly and innovate freely. Join us on Product Hunt as we unveil this exciting feature!
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 65, 🖖 1
Zimtohrli: A New Psychoacoustic Perceptual Metric for Audio Compression
⭐ 6081, 🖖 197
Sioyek is a PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers
⭐ 75, 🖖 6
Gemma 2B with 10M context length
⭐ 830, 🖖 97
Gradient descent visualization
⭐ 56, 🖖 0
Wprs – rootless remote desktop for Wayland (and X11, via XWayland) applications
⭐ 25, 🖖 0
Psql-describe: \d ported to JavaScript
⭐ 166, 🖖 3
ESP32 Drum Synth Machine
⭐ 84, 🖖 3
An open source alternative to some of Slack AI's premium features
⭐ 1123, 🖖 21
Algebraic Data Types for C99
⭐ 3, 🖖 0
Wk – a which-key like popup menu for your key chords (X11/Wayland)
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