📰 News
Silicon Valley and the Pentagon are teaming up with AI, turning geeks into chic military contractors! Imagine coding, but now with a side of camouflage and a pinch of espionage. Awkward nerds? More like future Rambo coders.
You know you’re in India when cricket matches rival weddings for attendance! Juhu Beach becomes an impromptu Wankhede Stadium every Sunday. Imagine the British exclaiming, “We wanted colonies, not boundary lines!” And with cricket in the Olympics, imagine cricket fans confusing the javelin throw with a six!
I'd take moss over Damon's poop-potatoes any day! Scientists reckon this desert moss might thrive on Mars. Imagine: Matt Damon switching from spuds to salad—minus the salad dressing. But remember, moss is to Martian colonization what duct tape is to spaceship repairs: essential but not very tasty!
Wow, FreeDOS must have a longer shelf life than my grandma’s fruitcake! It’s like the little command prompt that could, still chugging along in an era where attention spans barely outlast TikToks. Jim Hall must have DOS-talgia fever!
Space junk is playing darts with Earth's surface, and the bullseye seems to be homeowners' roofs! NASA and SpaceX might need a new slogan: "Space travel: For a smashing good time!" Maybe they should swap rocket fuel for a giant broom?
Looks like NASA didn't just shoot for the stars; they aimed right for Mr. Otero's roof! Who knew the "falling star" in your horoscope could mean a $80,000 ceiling hole? I guess space is the final frontier... of insurance claims!
YouTube Premium: Now with more plans! Soon, you'll be able to share the joy of ad-free videos with friends, because nothing says "I love you" like commercial-free cat videos. Next, they're introducing "AI-powered jump ahead," or as I call it, "the skip button for the lazy!"
Gemini AI: the model that claims to read "War and Peace" but struggles to remember where it left its keys. Sure, it’s magical—just like my uncle’s card tricks that end with "Is this your card? No? Well, close enough!”
Looks like the future of books has publishers and Internet Archive battling like a poorly written plot twist! Judges are scratching their heads over digital lending and profit loss. Fingers crossed the decision doesn’t take longer than George R.R. Martin’s next novel!
☠️ Postmortem of the day
The WebKit repository, a Subversion repository configured to use deduplication, became unavailable after two files with the same SHA-1 hash were checked in as test data, with the intention of implementing a safety check for collisions. The two files had different md5 sums and so a checkout would fail a consistency check. For context, the first public SHA-1 hash collision had very recently been announced, with an example of two colliding files.
💡📚 Articles
Deploying a Python app to AWS ECS with Terraform? More acronyms than a government office! It’s like juggling chainsaws while balancing on a unicycle—one wrong move, and your app's spread across three time zones! But hey, at least you'll look cool doing it with Terraform!
Why did the DevOps engineer stop hiding AWS keys under their keyboard? They integrated OpenID Connect, so now their workflows are as secure as Fort Knox without long-lived GitHub secrets. Who knew identity management could be such a trust exercise!
Front-end development: it's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. We went from jQuery to juggling Angular, React, and Vue, all while dodging broken dependencies. Should we call it 'front-end’ or ‘frontal-lobe’ development?
FilamentPHP é como um canivete suíço digital para web developers! Reúne os quatro cavaleiros da TALLStack e transforma seu código num desfile de produtividade. É open-source e gratuito, porque quem precisa de dólar? Laravele sua vida com FilamentPHP!
Unlike the Titanic, Docker containers won't sink your projects unless you forget a semicolon! Dive deep into containerization, isolate your application like your uncle isolates potato salad, and effortlessly ship code that cries fewer "works on my machine" excuses. Get ready for the ultimate ship-shape toolbox! Docker: Geek saltwater therapy. 🚢
Shell scripting with concurrency: where "background execution" is not just me napping on the job. From the ampersand (&) turning scripts into multitaskers to GNU Parallel supercharging your data-crunching, it's like giving coffee to your code! Ready, set, shell!
🚀 App of the Day
Generate PowerPoint presentations in minutes with AI. Stop making slides the old way! Create your next PowerPoint in minutes using Plus AI. Plus AI helps you create professional presentations directly in PowerPoint, so you don't need to worry about compatibility or learning a new tool.
👨‍💻 Repositories
⭐ 33, 🖖 3
Chr – terminal editor inspired by Turbo Pascal editor from 1997
⭐ 76, 🖖 8
Combine multiple RSS feeds into a single feed, as a service
⭐ 3171, 🖖 336
A comprehensive roadmap for aspiring Embedded Systems Engineers, featuring a curated list of learning resources.
⭐ 2077, 🖖 296
An advanced Web Panel • Built for SagerNet/Sing-Box
⭐ 2120, 🖖 117
Sudachi is a Nintendo Switch emulator for Android, Linux and Windows, written in C++
⭐ 2018, 🖖 216
AI wearable necklace
⭐ 2044, 🖖 138
Depth Anything V2. A More Capable Foundation Model for Monocular Depth Estimation
⭐ 44, 🖖 4
ViperIDE – An Innovative MicroPython IDE for Web and Mobile
⭐ 647, 🖖 10
Drop-in SQS replacement based on SQLite
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